Dirijor: Eduard Dinu Invitat: Cezar Ouatu Moderatoare: Ada Condeescu Catedrala Sfântul Iosif - 22 decembrie 2018
64th Annual Choir Festival Dr. Joseph M. Martin, Conductor Dr. Gordon Turk, Organ Great Auditorium Brass Ensemble July 8, 2018 Filmed and Edited by Quinton Tramm
On its first tour to the United Kingdom, Elektra Women’s Choir, from Vancouver, Canada, presents The Lost Words: A Spell Book, a whimsical and evocative musical interpretation of the bestselling book by Cambridge author Robert Macfarlane and visual ...
London Oriana Choir sings Battle of the Heroes from Star Wars in Concert at the O2 4th April 2010
Academic Choir Ivan Goran Kovacic conductor: Luka Vukšić Festival of music Zagreb 2015. Choir festival 28.11.2015. HAZU
ברכת שנה טובה ממקהלת לי-רון. ידיד נפש אב הרחמן. לחן: אהוד ושרה צוויג עיבוד: שרה שוהם
In 2012, Travis Branam started a group that has redefined Denver’s dynamic choral scene. The non-auditioned community Choir comprised of 6th-12th grade students is part of the Colorado Children’s Chorale program. The name of the ch...
Singkronies Chamber Choir performing Niel van der Watt's 'I am the voice of Africa' on the stage of the 40th Tolosa International Choral Competition - conducted by Dr Johann van der Sandt, the Choir's founder.
[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir] The simple reason is that India doesn’t have a harmony singing tradition, and I specialise in harmony singing. Photo by willsfca ...
BYC add dramatic rain, thunder and lighting in Barnsley!