would you like to premiere a really meaningful work of art and be part of a consortium? I'm really proud to inform you that registration for my next collaboration with Anthony Silvestri is now available! Link: http://www.santiagoveros.site/index.php/a-n... more
This year in Denmark we are so lucky to host the world’s biggest music competition: the Eurovision Song Contest 2014. we work under the tagline #JoinUs and aim to invite everyone to join us and celebrate the music at the Eurovision in May. ...
A Year As a Nomad: April 4, 2023, marked the last day I spent in my birth country. I shared breakfast with my brother and mother, showed my boarding pass, and within minutes, I was on a plane to London. What happened during all that time? ...
SABELANI Music Initiative has put on hold workshops due to the Lock Down enforced by the S. African Government on the 27th March.If the Lock Down is lifted on the 16th April as planned we will be celebrating world Voice Day on the 18th April as well as jo...
This was originally published on the Embro Thistle Singers' blog. I was reading an article posted to Facebook the other day. Esa-Pekka Salonen became a conductor when he filled in for an absent colleague. In the following sh...
Founded in 2012 by Dr. Michael J. Kornelsen, the Denver Pro Chorale is comprised of thirty-six musicians based in the Denver Metropolitan area. the Denver Pro Chorale specializes in singing diverse a cappella choral repertoire including contemporary work... more
Everyone knows that going to Rome once in a lifetime is a must. With us it’s mixed with all day long choral music… we are very happy to announce the 14th Musica Eterna Roma – International Choir Festival and Competition, July 16-20...
Praise God from whom all blessings flow Praise Him all creatures here below Praise Him above ye heavenly host Praise Father, Son and holy Ghost
[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir] I used to run a small women’s choir of 12 singers. One day it dawned on me that my job was to make myself redundant. I researched,...
the Lassus Scholars, named after the great Renaissance composer Orlande de Lassus, seek to achieve excellence in expression and interpretation in all musical styles from the 16th century to the present day.