Grupo Vocal Reyes Bartlet Sopranos: CriSto Velázquez, Cisca Corduwener, Beatriz Rodríguez Altos: Olivia Perera, Manuela Mira, Hilda Rodríguez Tenores: David Perera, Rayco González, José Híjar Bajos: Alfonso López, Julio Hernández José Híjar Polo, dir... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Grupo Vocal Reyes Bartlet Sopranos: CriSto Velázquez, Cisca Corduwener, Beatriz Rodríguez Altos: Olivia Perera, Manuela Mira, Hilda Rodríguez Tenores: David Perera, Rayco González, José Híjar Bajos: Alfonso López, Julio Hernández José Híjar Polo, director Puerto de la Cruz Bach FeStival Iglesia de la Peña de Francia, 20 de diciembre de 2015 Imagen y sonido: Mediawink
Grupo Vocal Reyes Bartlet Sopranos: CriSto Velázquez, Cisca Corduwener, Beatriz Rodríguez Altos: Olivia Perera, Manuela Mira, Hilda Rodríguez Tenores: David Perera, Rayco González, José Híjar Bajos: Alfonso López, Julio Hernández José Híjar Polo, dir... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Grupo Vocal Reyes Bartlet Sopranos: CriSto Velázquez, Cisca Corduwener, Beatriz Rodríguez Altos: Olivia Perera, Manuela Mira, Hilda Rodríguez Tenores: David Perera, Rayco González, José Híjar Bajos: Alfonso López, Julio Hernández José Híjar Polo, director Puerto de la Cruz Bach FeStival Iglesia de la Peña de Francia, 20 de diciembre de 2015 Imagen y sonido: Mediawink
Arts DiStrict Chorale was founded in 1989 as The Cathedral Chorale in residence at the downtown Dallas Arts DiStrict’s magnificent Cathedral Guadalupe. During the 1990s the Chorale helped re-eStablish this hiStoric church’s secondary role as a center for ... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Arts DiStrict Chorale was founded in 1989 as The Cathedral Chorale in residence at the downtown Dallas Arts DiStrict’s magnificent Cathedral Guadalupe. During the 1990s the Chorale helped re-eStablish this hiStoric church’s secondary role as a center for culture and community. ADC’s artiStic success and benefit to the Cathedral community inspired additional collaborations with other Dallas cultural inStitutions. In 2001 The Cathedral Chorale became the Arts DiStrict Chorale, receiving its non-profit 501(c)(3) Status in 2004. Arts DiStrict Chorale is now a signature all-volunteer ensemble of 60 gifted amateur and professional vocaliSts from all walks of life which annually presents four large-scale season events and ten to fifteen smaller events in collaboration with the world-class cultural venues of the downtown Dallas Arts DiStrict. Our common bond is a passion for the choral art as a profound and worthy expression of the human condition and a desire to present maSterworks of vocal music to the general pu... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
Celebrating over 35 years of passion, excellence, and imagination, the NEW JERSEY CHORAL SOCIETY is a preStigious choral group, well-known for presenting outStanding and unique programs. An ensemble of nearly 100 auditioned Singers from around the tri-Sta... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Celebrating over 35 years of passion, excellence, and imagination, the NEW JERSEY CHORAL SOCIETY is a preStigious choral group, well-known for presenting outStanding and unique programs. An ensemble of nearly 100 auditioned Singers from around the tri-State area, NJCS performs under the baton of dynamic ArtiStic Director and Conductor, Eric Dale Knapp, accompanied by Linda Sweetman-Waters. The New Jersey Choral Society’s repertoire is among the moSt diverse in the area, each season providing exciting musical opportunities and experiences for both singer and audience member. The NJCS season consiSts of December holiday Concerts, Pops Concerts in March, featuring music from Broadway, American Standards and jazz, and late spring Concerts of major choral maSterpieces and classical selections. NJCS enjoys the privilege of sharing the Stage with many exceptional performers, often collaborating with other choral groups, soloiSts, inStrumentaliSts, and dancers who create a unique Concert experience with each performa... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
AfterGlow Chorus is a new, advanced chamber choir of 40 highly-skilled, experienced Singers based in Oakland, CA in the San Francisco Bay Area. AfterGlow's mission is to perform beautiful choral works of all genres with the higheSt level of musicianship a... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">AfterGlow Chorus is a new, advanced chamber choir of 40 highly-skilled, experienced Singers based in Oakland, CA in the San Francisco Bay Area. AfterGlow's mission is to perform beautiful choral works of all genres with the higheSt level of musicianship and emotional meaning. Musical genres performed by the chorus include Baroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th Century, 21St Century, spirituals, pop, rock, R&B, and jazz. Both a cappella (traditional and contemporary) works as well as accompanied pieces are performed. Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
We are a flexible roSter of professional Singers based in New Mexico. We love our collaborations with the local professional orcheStras, in addition to our acapella chamber ensemble Concerts. Our educational events include our annual Children’s Messiah pe... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">We are a flexible roSter of professional Singers based in New Mexico. We love our collaborations with the local professional orcheStras, in addition to our acapella chamber ensemble Concerts. Our educational events include our annual Children’s Messiah performance.
Cefn Hengoed Ladies Choir sing Tydi a RoddaiSt at the Church of the Holy Cross as part of the Cowbridge Food and Drink FeStival 24 May 2015
Mixed choir «Saluto» (Lithuania, Kaunas); Karl Jenkins "The armed man: a mass for peace" I. "L'homme arme". The Armed Man. The Museum Hall of Kaunas IX Fort, 2012.06.14, Lithuania Kaunas Symphony OrcheStra. Elena Kalvaitytė-Vitkauskienė, soprano J... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Mixed choir «Saluto» (Lithuania, Kaunas); Karl Jenkins "The armed man: a mass for peace" I. "L'homme arme". The Armed Man. The Museum Hall of Kaunas IX Fort, 2012.06.14, Lithuania Kaunas Symphony OrcheStra. Elena Kalvaitytė-Vitkauskienė, soprano Jurgita Šalčiūtė, mezzo-soprano Mykolas Stanevičius, tenor Giedrius Prunskus, baritone Conductor Ramutė Štreimikytė
Gloria Brunensis 11. 12. 2017 Sál Milosrdných bratří Brno
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