Order of the Day - poem by Stanley N Solomons Music (for men's voices - AATB) composed and performed by David W Solomons (dwsChorale) Poem: Order of the Day DAWN The new light softly streams, Through the lace curtains, And I try to mend my ... more
Musical Meditation for the Paschal Triduum 逾越節三日慶典聖樂默想 II. Good Friday 救主受難紀念 "Salvator Mundi" by Thomas Tallis (1505-1585) Salvator mundi, salva nos, qui per crucem et sanguinem redemisti nos, auxiliare nobis, te deprecamur, Deus noster. - -... more
Bituing Walang Nining Text by Willy Cruz Arranged by Robert Delgado Inspired by the Philippine Madrigal Singers when they performed at the Stairs of CCP Main Entrance. CCP Stairs look-alike.
Ensamble Cantus Infinitum y su participación en la sexta temporada de conciertos corales del Centre Catalá (2012).
"Ancor che col partire" is a four-voice Italian-language madrigal with music by the Italy-based Flemish composer Cipriano de Rore (1515 - 1565). The madrigal became de Rore's most popular work, one of the most widely distributed madrigals of the entire 16... more
Academic choir ''Ivan Goran Kovačić'' was founded in 1948. The choir was directed by highly regarded Croatian musicians Mladen Jagušt, Duško Prašelj, Lovro Županović, Adalbert Marković, Dinko Fio, Vladimir Kranjčević, and Saša Britvić. Since the beginning... more
O GLORIOSA DOMINA by Ivo Antognini Matthew Curtis sings all the voices O GLORIOSA DOMINA text by Venantius Fortunatus (530-609) O GLORIOSA domina excelsa super sidera, qui te creavit provide, lactas sacrato ubere. Quod Eva tristis abst... more
Europäischer Kammerchor Köln e.V. Die Ursprünge des Europäischen Kammerchores liegen beim internationalen Chorleitungskurs in St. Moritz (Schweiz) im Jahre 2003. Seitdem treffen sich die engagierten Chorsängerinnen und -sänger aus Deutschland und den eu... more
Frauenchor ex-semble, Leitung: Christoph Haßler Nachtzauber, Gustav Jenner CD: Nachtzauber (2013) Order CD: exsemble@googlemail.com www.ex-semble.com