In their own words, Children's Choir singers explain what SHINE means to them in the context of singing in Choir. Rollo Dilworth's "Shine On Me", as sung by the Choir in rehearsal, provides the back track for the video.
Vocal Explosion Hastings Would like to invite your Choir to Hastings Is Your Choir interested in a Choir Exchange? We are Looking for Choirs in France, Belgium or Germany to Exchange with Preferablly performing in the world/folk genre We would off...
PoliPop is the first Choir that sings popular music in Turkey. We have two Choirs, adult and children Choir. If you want to sing pop music in Choir please contact with us.
The Male Choir of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute) at 9th World Choir Games in Sochi (Russia) Category: C14 Male Choirs Result: 82.75, GOLD, QII
Carers Choir are a Choir for Carers, who meet weekly in South Gloucestershire, singing acapella songs from around the globe. You don't need any experience as all songs are taught by ear. For further information please email, Indigo Craig at sharetheharmon... more
BAVE Community Choir is a non-auditioned Choir based in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia (a suburb of Kuala Lumpur). The Choir welcomes members of the community to join in and explore their voices along side others with the same passion and interest.
Written by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Gary Barlow (2012), Enjoy our latest virtual Choir video "Sing". This was one of the first songs we had ever learnt at the Choir and is still one of our favourites! If you would like to sing with us in the next ... more
Barcarolle Choir and its Music Director, Sam Evans; are delighted to announce their very special forthcoming concert. The Choir will be celebrating its 10th Anniversary! Since its formation in 2012 Barcarolle Choir has performed numerous...
A new bubbling Choir. The People's Show Choir Leamington Spais a community-friendly Choir. You do not need any previous music experience to be part of this lovely community. Imagine joining a Choir with no audition that offers professionally led rehearsal... more