Cantemus ประพันธ์โดย Lajos BárDos คณะนักร้องประสานเสียงเยาวชนไทยเข้าร่วมแข่งขันงาน World Choir Games (ประสานเสียงโอลิมปิก) ครั้งที่ 9 ณ เมืองโซชิ สหพันธรัฐรัสเซีย และได้รับรางวัล 2 เหรียญทองในสาขา Youth Choirs of Equal Voices (84.63 คะแนน) และ Music... more
In the World Choir Championships which was held in Graz, Austria between 10th-17th July 2011, Boğaziçi Jazz Choir became the 'WORLD CHAMPION' in Contemporary Music and Folklore categories, and got the 'second prize' in Mixed Choirs category. Also winning ... more
Академический хор Нижегородского Государственного Университета им. Н. И. Лобачевского. Выступление на фестивале "Молодые голоса-2012" в Нижнем Новгороде. Георгий Свиридов - Пушкинский венок: IX. Восстань, боязливый
The AdlibItum Chorus is the official universIty choir of Batangas State UniversIty in the Philippines consisting of college students and alumni members. The AdlibItum Chorus is one of the oldest and active choirs of Batangas dating back from 1980 to present.
Coro de Filosofía y Letras de la UBA, dir: Andrés Aciar
Santa MargherIta di Fidenza - PR - Italia: 2015.12.18 Dir. Maria Laura Di Gennaro www.coralecontrappunto.It Medesano - Parma - Italia
Do not pass by like a dream - Composer: eduarDo andrés malachevsky - Lyrics: Rabindranath Tagore (from GItanjali) - Choir: The Esoterics - Eric Banks, conductor alive recording at Holy Rosary Catholic Church Seattle, USA on October 2009 (the video wa... more
The Inspira Chamber Choir (formerly Calgary Youth Chorus) performs two movements from Stephen Chatman's "Due West" in competItion at the 10th Golden Gate International Choir Festival. Berkeley, CA, USA. Movements Featured: I. Train III. Sunset
The UniversIty of Santo Tomas Singers, founded in 1992, is the UniversIty’s premiere mixed choral ensemble composed of a select group of students and alumni representing the different colleges and faculties of the Pontifical and Royal UniversIty of Santo ... more