University of Utah Chamber Choir, under the direction of Dr. Barlow Bradford performing Eric Whitacre's "With a Lily in your Hand" on their 2013 Spring Concert in the Libby Gardner Concert HAll.
The Seal Lullaby by Eric Whitacre performed by Mabe Ladies Choir in Truro on 23 AuguSt 2013. AccompaniSt Rico Gerber
Canterbury Girls Choir performing The Alphabet Song adapted from Mozart in Boulogne Cathedral June 2015
Text by Raymond Foss Seton HAll University Chamber Choir Dr. Jason C. Tramm, Conductor Recorded at the SOPAC (South Orange, NJ) May 6, 2019
The Salt and Light Chorale is an SATB Choir that sings music from a variety of genres such as: Gospel, Spirituals, Jazz, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical and Russian Choral Music. This Choir is partnered with a non-profit organization cAlled the New Yor... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The Salt and Light Chorale is an SATB Choir that sings music from a variety of genres such as: Gospel, Spirituals, Jazz, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical and Russian Choral Music. This Choir is partnered with a non-profit organization cAlled the New York Community Alliance for Sickle Cell Anemia Inc. We plan to use our concert venues for aiding this organization's cause. Our conductor John Hunter II is a young but competent conductor. He received his MaSter's in Choral Conducting from Mansfield University. To hear some of his works, you may go to his website at ofollow"> . By simply going to the Choral LiStening Room in his website you can hear a number of works conducted by him. We will be holding auditions this Saturday. If you would like to audition for this group, you may email John Hunter at or Contact Mr. John Robinson at 347-409-3860. Compensation is... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
Music video of Paros Chamber Choir featuring Davit Karapetyan, Principal Dancer of San Francisco BAllet. Director: Vahe Khachatryan. Conductor: Raffi Mikaelian. Produced by Unison, NGO with support from Paros Foundation. Սալվե Ռեգինա: Միջազգային մրցույթնե... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Music video of Paros Chamber Choir featuring Davit Karapetyan, Principal Dancer of San Francisco BAllet. Director: Vahe Khachatryan. Conductor: Raffi Mikaelian. Produced by Unison, NGO with support from Paros Foundation. Սալվե Ռեգինա: Միջազգային մրցույթների դափնեկիր «Փարոս» կամերային երգչախմբի տեսահոլովակ աշխարհահռչակ պարող, Սան-Ֆրանցիսկոյի բալետի Գլխավոր մենակատար Դավիթ Կարապետյանի հետ: Ռեժիսոր` Վահե Խաչատրյան, գեղ.ղեկ և խմբավար` Րաֆֆի Միքայէլեան: Տեսահոլովակը պատրաստված է «Ունիսոն» հասարակական կազմակերպության նախաձեռնությամբ` «Փարոս» Հիմնադրամի աջակցությամբ: Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
SoloiSts: Jane Hamilton and Drew Malcolm Band: Annie Smart-Piano, Laurie Hamilton-Bass, Steve Hamilton-Drums
#M.i.C #MarvelousPraise2020 Marvelous Inspirational Choir, M.i.C Tie me kra tie Hark Hark My Soul N28 Ghana Choral music Ghchoralmusic Harmonious
Words and music by Joel Lindsey and Sue Smith Subscribe to our channel:
Passionate about building community by working on great music, together! We sing world, jazz, classical, Jewish, folk, Canadian, gospel and pop music. Our 80-member SATB Choir has been performing and perfecting a diverse repertoire since 1997. Rehearsals ... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Passionate about building community by working on great music, together! We sing world, jazz, classical, Jewish, folk, Canadian, gospel and pop music. Our 80-member SATB Choir has been performing and perfecting a diverse repertoire since 1997. Rehearsals are well Structured and singers learn skills in different musical genres, expression, blend, vocal production, and reading. Auditioned. Annual Spring Concerts in the Al Green Theatre at the Miles Nadal JCC. Convenient downtown Toronto location. Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less