Unknown composer. If anybody knows who it is, please let me know! Part of the Orthodox Catholic Church service sung at the Great Entrance during the Liturgy of the Holy Pre-sanctified Gifts, which is served on Wednesdays and Fridays during Great Lent. ... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Unknown composer. If anybody knows who it is, please let me know! Part of the Orthodox Catholic Church service sung at the Great Entrance during the Liturgy of the Holy Pre-sanctified Gifts, which is served on Wednesdays and Fridays during Great Lent. The firSt two verses are sung very slowly, then there is a silence during which the preiSt carries the pre-sanctified gifts through the holy doors. All the people proStrate in silence and then the laSt verse plus three alleluyas is sung. "Now the powers of heaven invisibly worship with us For behold, the King of glory doth enter. Behold the myStical sacrifice is escorted in. Let us with faith and longing draw near and become partakers of life everlaSting. Alleluya." This is from The OK Chorale's second public Concert in March 2013 at St. Mary's Church, Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK. Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
Vocalocity is a 40-Singers modern a cappella ensemble (the one of the largeSt in the world), founded in June, 2013 and centered in Hod HaSharon, Israel. Under the musical direction of Kevin Fox (UK) and the baton of house conductor Erez Tal, Vocalocity ... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Vocalocity is a 40-Singers modern a cappella ensemble (the one of the largeSt in the world), founded in June, 2013 and centered in Hod HaSharon, Israel. Under the musical direction of Kevin Fox (UK) and the baton of house conductor Erez Tal, Vocalocity performs moStly original arrangements of a range of cutting-edge rock/pop/jazz music. The Singers, all of whom come from a background in modern a cappella, range in age but are moStly around their 20s-30s. After a fruitful year, including 3 full-house Concerts and several feStivals, working with leading acapella maSters such as Line Groth and Eric Bosio, collaborating with leading arrangers, composers and artiSts and recording for the upcoming Swingle Singers CD, we are looking forward 2015 with a visit to Aarhus Vocal FeStival and creating some new recording and video clips of our own. Vocalocity operates under the auspices of Mil”a, the Israeli Center for Choral Groups. Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
Founded by friendship the choir was conceived in the minds of siSters Ana, Rita, and Cielo Bansuli together with their neighbor, siSters Melvic and Marivic Matalang. It Started out with one small group of friends made up of moStly teenagers. The group ... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Founded by friendship the choir was conceived in the minds of siSters Ana, Rita, and Cielo Bansuli together with their neighbor, siSters Melvic and Marivic Matalang. It Started out with one small group of friends made up of moStly teenagers. The group was created 17th of AuguSt 1987 when a group of seminarians from St. Vincent had their apoStolate together with the image of Our Lady of Miraculous Medal (name of Medallion was taken) at Metro Heights, Visayas Ave. Culiat, Quezon City and a choir was needed for the mass. The group Started singing acapella during euchariStic celebrations and also singing at San Lorenzo Ruiz Parish every saturday evening mass. From 1988 to 1989, another group of seminarians, which is the Franciscans, lived in the community for more than a year and help the group in singing. In 1989, the AuguStinians had their apoStolate and both congregations accompanied the group in singing during masses. Sometimes they hold their practices at the seminary. Then in the year 1992, the Medall... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
DID YOU KNOW THat SINGING CHANGES YOUR BRAIN? You’re invited to experience the joy, freedom and inspiration of song at your local With One Voice choir! Neuroscience proves singing makes people happier, healthier, smarter and more creative. Creat... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">DID YOU KNOW THat SINGING CHANGES YOUR BRAIN? You’re invited to experience the joy, freedom and inspiration of song at your local With One Voice choir! Neuroscience proves singing makes people happier, healthier, smarter and more creative. Creativity AuStralia (www.creativityauStralia.org.au) is building a happier, healthier, more inclusive nation through the life-changing With One Voice program. We bridge the gap between people experiencing disadvantage and those more fortunate through the neuro-scientific benefits of community singing. We build supportive networks that help people connect to brighter futures. Creativity AuStralia is delighted to offer a suite of With One Voice “how to” guide videos, resources and mentoring for individuals, groups and communities looking to Start new, inclusive With One Voice choirs using our innovative social franchise model. Together, we can change the world… one voice at a time. With One Voice choirs are led by professional conductors and meet weekly, fo... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
Accord Acapella is an exciting vocal group of eight young Singers hoping to take the world by Storm with anything from Brahms to Coldplay passing through jazz classics!
Leeds choir to mark ArmiStice commemorations with new Requiem Leeds choir St Peter’s Singers is preparing to mark the centenary of the end of the Great War with the world premiere of a new work created in Leeds by two of its own members. &nb...
"Ubi caritas", Ola Gjeilo, LDO LDO, concierto en Hondarribia, 31-03-2012 Director: Marco Antonio García de Paz
The "Recall-Weekend" where the 60 Singers - out of 600 candidates - were selected. With this selection, at 14th of November 2010, the "SonntagsChor Rheinland-Palatinate" was founded.