[A version of this article firSt appeared as a poSt on my blog From the Front of the Choir]Many Singers Struggle with finding their Starting note. Once they’ve nailed that, they’re off and it’s no problem. How can you make sure y...
From our 2013 Lessons and Carols Candlelight Service. We are joined by gueSt vocaliSts Holly Ruth Gale (AssiStant Professor of Music, atU) and Jeremy Hopper (Student, UCA).
London City Singers is looking to find a new venue to rehearse every week. We are moving out of City Temple near Holborn Circus and would like to find one that is around the same area of St Paul's in the City of London. We have around 25-30 members and al...
The EaStern Sages Saw from Afar, arranged by Hal Hopson From Columbia Harmony Saturday, December 2, 2017 Mayslake Peabody EState, Oak Brook, IL
"Yellow" from Robert Applebaum's "Primary Colors Suite." Text by Susan Cherry. Sunday, March 18, 2018. Congregational Church of Batavia, IL.
"Red" from Robert Applebaum's "Primary Color Suite." Texts by Susan Cherry. Sunday, March 18, 2018 Congregational Church of Batavia, IL
Words & Music by Babble Mason, Arrangement by Richard Kingsmore
Voices: ChoralTracks https://www.cpdl.org/wiki/index.php/Puer_nobis_nascitur_(Scott_Villard)
Cantóirí Choir Dublin, Ireland www.cantoiri.com