At the requeSt of the Lisbon Cantat Chamber Choir and its MaeStro Jorge Alves, I wrote this piece in four voices on a poem by Fernando Pessoa, a poet of extreme importance for the Portuguese language. The score is freely available on my website for anyone... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">At the requeSt of the Lisbon Cantat Chamber Choir and its MaeStro Jorge Alves, I wrote this piece in four voices on a poem by Fernando Pessoa, a poet of extreme importance for the Portuguese language. The score is freely available on my website for anyone who wants to sing it. BeSt regards, João
DARING Youth Choir FUMC Allen TX
Camilia Carbello - Havana, Cover by Cokfonik Choir Arranged by Fatih Kozan
Southern Cross Voices is a mixed voice (SATB) community Choir which aims to blend music excellence with community participation. Our purpose is to sing for enjoyment & to share this with the community. We are a non-audition Choir, a... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Southern Cross Voices is a mixed voice (SATB) community Choir which aims to blend music excellence with community participation. Our purpose is to sing for enjoyment & to share this with the community. We are a non-audition Choir, All we ask of those wishing to join us is that they can sing in tune.
J'entends le Moulin by Donald Patriquin performed by Mabe Ladies Choir at Truro MethodiSt Church on 23 AuguSt 2013. Video recorded by Collin Chivers.
Come to Fundão, to the firSt edition of BEIRA INTERIOR International Choir FeStival & Competition The BEIRA Grand Prize is waiting for you! Don´t you like to sing at a new Choir FeStival and Competition in Portugal? So why don´t yo...
Sing Tower Hamlets is a community Choir open to All regardless of experience! The Choir aims to bring the people of Tower Hamlets (EaSt London, UK) together to sing in a friendly and informal environment, and to make a joyful noise in the heart of the eas... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Sing Tower Hamlets is a community Choir open to All regardless of experience! The Choir aims to bring the people of Tower Hamlets (EaSt London, UK) together to sing in a friendly and informal environment, and to make a joyful noise in the heart of the eaSt end. There are no auditions, and songs will be taught primarily by ear, so you don’t need to be able to read music. Whether you’re a seasoned performer, or more of the shower-singer type — if you love to sing and you’re in the area, Sing Tower Hamlets is for you. We sing in a range of Styles, from pop to gospel to show tunes, and do lots of fun warm-ups to build your confidence and free your voice! Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
The GuStavo Gomez Ardila Choir, was founded by the MaSter Gomez Ardila and a group of university Students, with the wish to form a group of people with only one requirement: "ATTITUDE and LOVE FOR THE Choir MUSIC .&q... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The GuStavo Gomez Ardila Choir, was founded by the MaSter Gomez Ardila and a group of university Students, with the wish to form a group of people with only one requirement: "ATTITUDE and LOVE FOR THE Choir MUSIC ." In an effort to continue the legacy of our maSter, his poSthumous work is continuing the effort and commitment to provide excellence in interpretation polyphonic a cappella and to disclose the Colombian folklore where necessary. The GuStavo Gomez Ardila Choir is part of the Santander Choir Alliance, and search the communication, teamwork and development of choral music in the region of Santander and Colombia. Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
Papuri Sa Diyos (Gloria in excelsis Deo) from the Misa Inmaculada was performed at the FeStival of Nine Lessons and Carols at the Union Church of Manila laSt Sunday, December 10, 2017. Along with the UCM Chancel Choir are members from different church cho... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Papuri Sa Diyos (Gloria in excelsis Deo) from the Misa Inmaculada was performed at the FeStival of Nine Lessons and Carols at the Union Church of Manila laSt Sunday, December 10, 2017. Along with the UCM Chancel Choir are members from different church Choirs and community Choirs around Metro Manila with Cantor Rainier Pagcaliwagan, The FeStival OrcheStra and Joel Aquino, conducting. It is coincidence that the day of this feStival marks the 10th year anniversary of the premiere of the work at the Manila Cathedral. Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
The Storm is Passing Over, arranged Larry Nickel. Gresley Male Voice Choir, November 2016