International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


5,460 results found

BEHOLD THE StAR!!! We are pleased to share with you a free  secure preview of selected tracks from our firSt album, Behold the Star! This album is a special ChriStmas collection with some Jamaican flavour. Enjoy!!! An Extract from Behold t...

Aestas Vocis
group: AeStas Vocis

The beSt young Singers NorthweSt Indiana has to offer. Performs exclusively in the summer months. Auditions and interviews typically held in May.

The Seal Lullaby - Eric Whitacre
video: The Seal Lullaby - Eric Whitacre

Eric Whitacre - The Seal Lullaby sung at The Battle of the Male Voice Choirs in Torquay, Devon March 2012 by Bournemouth Male Voice Choir. Please visit


OrqueStração e Harmonização para 5 vozes: Dionísio Vila Maior

I. Gloria in excelsis Deo - Vivaldi (Gloria)
video: I. Gloria in excelsis Deo - Vivaldi (Gloria)

天主在天受光榮 韋瓦第應用整首音樂的中心調性──D大調,巧妙地開始了首段,先是弦樂的八度大跳及連 續不斷的快速音群配合燦爛的小喇叭二重奏,為經典式的教會慶典音樂的代表;而合唱團以 和聲式的方式呈現,一開始即以強而有力的"Gloria"一詞,讚揚上帝的榮耀與偉大 ,不但充滿催眠似的力量,更使聽者有觸電般的感受。 指揮: 翁佳芬 伴奏: 巴洛克獨奏家樂團 時間: 2007/12/11 地點: 高雄市文化中心至德堂

blog: New ensemble: Spectrum Singers

  This has been a long time coming. For the paSt several years I’ve mused about forming an interfaith vocal ensemble, but it never seemed to be the right time.   Now it is.   Feel free to join me. We already have rehearsal spac...

blog: How to Gain Control of Your Voice and Become a Confident Singer 

Some people juSt seem to be naturally ‘gifted’ Singers. They seem to be so connected to their voice that when they open their mouth to sing, it sounds pleasing.    If you are one of those people, congratulations. If you are no...

blog: ALBION at Saint Andrews

SatURDAY 23 APRIL at 7.30pm St ANDREW'S Church, BEDFORD, MK40 2PF - website www.Standrewsbedford.orgTickets £10 / £8 / £4 / free.  Call 01234 216881 or email

Charles Villiers Stanford: Nunc Dimittis in G
video: Charles Villiers Stanford: Nunc Dimittis in G

The Choir of Somerville College, Oxford David Crown (conductor) Robert Pecksmith (organ) Stephen O'Driscoll (baritone) Evensong at St. Paul's Cathedral (London), 6 February 2012 60th Anniversary of Queen Elizabeth's Accession to the Throne Fac...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The Choir of Somerville College, Oxford David Crown (conductor) Robert Pecksmith (organ) Stephen O'Driscoll (baritone) Evensong at St. Paul's Cathedral (London), 6 February 2012 60th Anniversary of Queen Elizabeth's Accession to the Throne Facebook: Website:  

blog: London City Singers is looking for a new Musical Director

Do you or know someone who possess these qualities? Have previous experience in directing a chorus/choir Passionate and driven to work with a young(ish) group of women Willing to commute to central London every Tuesday – if you work in the City...