Cagliari, Collegiata di S. Anna, 2 ottobre 2012. Esecuzione da parte dell'Ensemble Vocale "Exsurge Domine" del "Da pacem Domine" gregoriano. Da pacem, Domine, in diebus noStris Quia non eSt alius Qui pugnet pro nobis Nisi tu Deus noSter. Fiat ... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Cagliari, Collegiata di S. Anna, 2 ottobre 2012. Esecuzione da parte dell'Ensemble Vocale "Exsurge Domine" del "Da pacem Domine" gregoriano. Da pacem, Domine, in diebus noStris Quia non eSt alius Qui pugnet pro nobis Nisi tu Deus noSter. Fiat pax in virtute tua: et abundantia in turribus tuis. Propter fratres meos et proximos meos loquebar pacem de te. Propter domum Domini Dei noStri quaesivi bona tibi. Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto, sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Ensemble Vocale "Exsurge Domine": Davide Saddi Mattia Ortu Francesco Piano Alessandro Ermellino Stefano Ruiu Raimondo Belfiori Mauro Sitzia Mattia Macis Francesco Cocco Alessandro Abis Enrico Correggia (dir.) Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
Dona Nobis Pacem for Mixed Choir, Oboe and Strings. Originally, for Women Choir and Oboe. This recording is the laSt one made by Mr. Shut, who left us in October 2012. The Video dedicated to the memory of my friend and our colleague.
ICH ABER BIN ELEND, Op. 110, No. 1 by Johannes Brahms) Akademski pevski zbor Tone Tomšič Univerze v Ljubljani Dirigent / conductor: SebaStjan Vrhovnik AvuSta 2012 posneto na feStivalu Polifonico na tekmovanju za Grand Prix Arezza / Recorded on Poli... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">ICH ABER BIN ELEND, Op. 110, No. 1 by Johannes Brahms) Akademski pevski zbor Tone Tomšič Univerze v Ljubljani Dirigent / conductor: SebaStjan Vrhovnik AvuSta 2012 posneto na feStivalu Polifonico na tekmovanju za Grand Prix Arezza / Recorded on Polifonico feStival in AuguSt 2012.
On April 21, 2012, Cantores CeleStes performed the Canadian premiere of Kentaro Sato's, Veni Sancte Spiritus. This is the firSt movement, Veni et Emitte. Video footage: Patric McGroarty
HofStra Chamber Choir performing Jussi Chydenius' "I am the Great Sun (The Chamber Choir comprises the front half or so of this group, thus the non-singing members of Chorale you see in the back... :) David Fryling, Conductor April 2012, Cathedral of... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">HofStra Chamber Choir performing Jussi Chydenius' "I am the Great Sun (The Chamber Choir comprises the front half or so of this group, thus the non-singing members of Chorale you see in the back... :) David Fryling, Conductor April 2012, Cathedral of the Incarnation, Garden City, NY
We are to praise God and also preach the Gospel through choral music. Revelation chorale is found within the Mountain View Ghana Conference of the Seventh Day AdventiSt Church. Call +233551514854 or WhatsApp +233548149090 for more info.
LUX AETERNA by Swiss/Italian composer Ivo Antognini (b. 1963) De Angelis Vocal Ensemble - Matthew Gray, conductor Mission Basilica, San Juan CapiStrano CA - USA October 27th, 2012 ***WORLD PREMIERE***
Coming about through a blessed confluence of events, the Solemne MiniStry is the collaborative brainchild of musical prodigy Alejandro Consolacion II and long-time choirmaSter Eugene Calimag. Having been friends and in the choral scene for twenty years, t... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Coming about through a blessed confluence of events, the Solemne MiniStry is the collaborative brainchild of musical prodigy Alejandro Consolacion II and long-time choirmaSter Eugene Calimag. Having been friends and in the choral scene for twenty years, the two have been talking about a project like this for around fifteen years. Spurred by the release of the revised English missal, Alejandro and Eugene both thought it a good time to finally reStart the project that they had shelved for some time. Only now, the idea wasn’t juSt to end with a single album; the idea was now to eStablish a miniStry that would introduce a new generation of music to Philippine Catholics. The new miniStry would have as its aim the creation of beautiful music to help the faithful to a more prayerful, solemn State of mind. Springing from that, they both decided that the new miniStry would be called Solemne MiniStry. For its firSt project, Misa Solemne, the miniStry features Solemne, Solemne MiniStry’s flagship choir and the one Al... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
We will be joined by the UlSter OrcheStra under the baton of our chorus maSter Stephen Doughty and the following wonderful soloiSts; Rebecca Murphy - Soprano Lynda-Jane Nelson - Alto Brian McNamee - Tenor Aaron O'Hare - Bass In Fisher...
THat CHOIR REMEMBERS conducted by Craig Pike featuring the Toronto premiere of Dark Night of the Soul by Ola Gjeilo with String quartet and piano Sunday, November 10 2013 - 8pm Metropolitan United Church Toronto, ON Tickets available at: www.t...