380 results found
Deo Cantamus Chorale
Our Mission:
Deo Cantamus exists to serve, educate, and promote worship, usIng quality Instrumental and vocal music that glorifies Our Lord and Savior Jesus ChriST. We pursue excellence In an effort to worship Our God and brIng others closer to Him.
... Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreOur Mission:
Deo Cantamus exists to serve, educate, and promote worship, usIng quality Instrumental and vocal music that glorifies Our Lord and Savior Jesus ChriST. We pursue excellence In an effort to worship Our God and brIng others closer to Him.
Statement of Purpose:
Deo Cantamus is an organization of musicians whose purpose is to worship the true and livIng God through the performance of and Instruction In quality vocal and Instrumental music. Because worshippIng God is Our fundamental Intention, this necessarily requires that we be In right relationship with the God we worship. We believe that this is only possible through faith In Jesus ChriST. Therefore, we as Individuals are followers of Jesus ChriST.
We believe that Jesus is the fully divIne and fully human Son of God. His death and resurrection is the only means by which people can have forgiveness of their sIns and eternal life. We believe that the guilt of Our sIns was entirely charged agaInst Him on the cross. On the sole condition of t... Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less
Mampong Newtown Youth Choir
Mampong Newtown Youth Choir is a choir made up of very dedicated,selfless, enthusiastic and devoted youngsters who have come together to serve the Lord with their special God-given talents In sIngIng to promote the proclamation of the present truth (THE T... Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreMampong Newtown Youth Choir is a choir made up of very dedicated,selfless, enthusiastic and devoted youngsters who have come together to serve the Lord with their special God-given talents In sIngIng to promote the proclamation of the present truth (THE THREE ANGELS' MESSAGE) to the world so as to hasten the second Advent of Our SaviOur Jesus ChriST.
SonntagsChor RheInland-Pfalz
(Only In German language)
Der „SonntagsChor RheInland-Pfalz“ entstand im November 2010, als „SWR SonntagsChor“, aus eIner landesweiten ChorInitiative vom Südwestrundfunk RheInland-Pfalz und den Landes-Chorverbänden RheInland-Pfalz und Pfalz.
Die aktuel... Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">more(Only In German language)
Der „SonntagsChor RheInland-Pfalz“ entstand im November 2010, als „SWR SonntagsChor“, aus eIner landesweiten ChorInitiative vom Südwestrundfunk RheInland-Pfalz und den Landes-Chorverbänden RheInland-Pfalz und Pfalz.
Die aktuell mehr als 50 chorerfahrenen AmateursängerInnen und -sänger vom „SonntagsChor RheInland-Pfalz“ wurden seInerzeit aus über 600 Bewerbern, In mehreren Durchläufen, nach festgelegten Kriterien ausgewählt.
Musikalisch begleitete der „SonntagsChor RheInland-Pfalz“ bereits Johannes Kalpers bei der TV-Sendung „SWR SonntagsTOur“ sowie - bis heute - zahlreiche weitere Rundfunk- und TV-Produktionen des SWR, u.a. zusammen mit Thomas Anders.
Eigene Konzerte und Projekte stehen ebenso auf dem Programm des bisher EInZIGEN wirklich LANDESWEITEN Auswahlchores. Auch im sozialen Bereich zeigt der „SonntagsChor RheInland-Pfalz“ seIn Engagement: Ob als musikalischer Partner der SWR-Aktion „Herzenssache“ oder der „KInderglück“-Aktion von Lotto RheInland-Pfalz.
Die SängerIn... Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less
JEUNE ET CON - VOICES, Choeur de Jeunes
VOICES, les 26 voix du Choeur de Jeunes, dirigées par Julie Gibergues.
Ce groupe d'adolescents, âgés de 10 à 17 ans, Interprète ici le titre de Damien Saez, dans un arrangement Inspiré de Scala.
Retrouvez Voices, les Choeu... Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreVOICES, les 26 voix du Choeur de Jeunes, dirigées par Julie Gibergues.
Ce groupe d'adolescents, âgés de 10 à 17 ans, Interprète ici le titre de Damien Saez, dans un arrangement Inspiré de Scala.
Retrouvez Voices, les Choeurs sur facebook et sur twitter et encOuragez nos jeunes chanteurs en partageant cette vidéo le plus largement possible ... Merci pOur eux !
A voir également sur Youtube les vidéos de "Tu es mon autre" (2012), "Le temps qui cOurt" (2011), aInsi que des extraits de concerts en live. Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less
Ne kwe m Nna - FSV
A beautiful song composed by Fr. Donatus Chukwuedo highlightIng on the total submission of priests of God, In all circumstances, to the vocation of the Catholic Priesthood (Instituted by Christ Jesus, the high Priest, at the Lord's Supper. Now commemorate... Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreA beautiful song composed by Fr. Donatus Chukwuedo highlightIng on the total submission of priests of God, In all circumstances, to the vocation of the Catholic Priesthood (Instituted by Christ Jesus, the high Priest, at the Lord's Supper. Now commemorated on the Holy Thursday). This song is premiered by Friends of ST. Val (FSV).
Slavic Chorale
Slavic Chorale was formed with a mission to Help unify the Slavic community and be a positive Influence In Our region through the performance of classical and spiritual music.
We glorify God through music and through service to people In Our community,... Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreSlavic Chorale was formed with a mission to Help unify the Slavic community and be a positive Influence In Our region through the performance of classical and spiritual music.
We glorify God through music and through service to people In Our community, perform choral music at a professional level with excellence and artistry, preserve and foster Slavic musical culture In Sacramento and serve as ambassadors to other cities and nations.
We strive to develop the musicianship of Our members while encOuragIng personal and spiritual growth.
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Morrilton FUMC Chancel Choir
Although we are a mostly volunteer church choir with limited rehearsal time, we do Our best to work toward excellence In all that we do.
"Excellence In all thIngs, and all thIngs to the GLORY OF GOD."
Sicut Cervus (Like as the hart)
Motet by Giovanni Pierluigi da PalestrIna
Sicut cervus desiderat ad fontes aquarum,
ita desiderat anima mea ad Te, Deus.
Like as the hart desireth the waterbrook
So longeth my soul after thee o God
Music & The Spoken Word
Music and the Spoken Word broadcast with the Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square.
1. All Creatures of Our God and KIng
2. Awake and Arise, All Ye Children of Light
3. Be Thou My Vision (Organ Solo)
4. Lovely Appear, from "The Redemption"... Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreMusic and the Spoken Word broadcast with the Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square.
1. All Creatures of Our God and KIng
2. Awake and Arise, All Ye Children of Light
3. Be Thou My Vision (Organ Solo)
4. Lovely Appear, from "The Redemption"
5. DealIng with DisappoIntment (Spoken Word)
6. Who Will Buy? from "Oliver!"
7. Thou Lovely SOurce of True Delight
DealIng with DisappoIntment
Every life needs aspirations—along with goals to Help us achieve them. Our goals can be like the banks of a river, guidIng the flow of Our ambitions. MakIng plans and strivIng to accomplish them Helps channel Our efforts and energies toward the thIngs that matter most to us.
But what about when we fail? How do we respond when, despite Our earnest efforts, we don’t quite reach those high aspirations? In short, how do we deal with disappoIntment?
The natural response is to feel discOuraged, disheartened. It might seem that all Our plannIng and work were wasted. We may even question Our aspirations—were Our ... Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less
QUI A TUE GRAND-MAMAN - VOICES, Choeur préparatoire
Cette chanson de Michel Polnareff est Interprétée par les enfants du choeur préparatoire VOICES, âgés de 7 à 10 ans. Extrait du concert du 18 mai 2013. Ces jeunes choristes ne chantent ensemble que depuis quelques mois et ne sont pas sélectionnés sur audition.