A set of three new Choral settings of Wilfred Owen poems (Anthem for Doomed Youth, Futility and The Next War) composed by me (Stephen Tyler) to commemorate the 100th centenary of the outbreak of World War I. The pieces are here performed by Reading A... more
Te Deum Chamber Choir www.-te-deum.org Live Performance, April 12, 2014 Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City, MO
Choral Holidays is a small company that specialises in taking groups of amateur singers to beautiful locations and forming them into choirs. Last year we took a group to the beautiful location of Milton Abbey in Dorset, and also to Florence, where we sta...
Hello Choral Community, I am thrilled to share some exciting news that will help you create an unforgettable 2024/25 season! As a composer deeply committed to supporting and uplifting the Choral community, I want to offer you something special. Receive ...
Magnificat was formed in 1991 by its conductor, Philip Cave, to explore the rich diversity of Choral music from the last five centuries. The ensemble specialises in the restoration and performance of neglected Choral masterpieces of the 16th and 17th cent... more ollow">http://www.linnrecords.com/artist-magnificat.aspx Magnificat has undertaken many recording projects of music from ‘The Golden Age'. The first of these comprises motets by Gesualdo, Guerrero, Josquin, Rebelo and Victoria together with Allegri's Miserere and Palestrina's Stabat mater. A highly acclaimed recording of Victoria's officium Defunctorum of 1605, named a 1997 Critics' Choice by Gramophone Magazine and chosen by The Rough Guide as one of its ‘100 Essential Classical CDs', was... less
As part of our mission, the Toronto Mendelssohn Choir presents opportunities for singers from across the Greater Toronto Area to sing great Choral works together under the direction of some of Toronto’s talented conductors It has been well-report...
What is better than to celebrate with others? Singers and Choirs from all over the World, this event is for YOU! meeting music likes to offer the opportunity to discover a new dimension of celebrating Choral music, come to BUDAPEST fro...
Choral music is experiencing one of its most prosperous moments in history, thanks to the connections and new music being created. What happened at the ACDA convention is a faithful reflection of how exciting this world can be, and the energetic and artis...
Kantorei Choral Ensemble performing Crux Fidelis by Cesar Alejandro Carrillo live at Visitation Catholic Church in Kansas City. This piece was an audience favorite on our recent "Music of Latin America" concert. Hear more from Kantorei at www.kantoreikc... more
Still looking for the proper song to sing in a Choral Celebration and event around the world? Find some of the best of contemporary Choral works or tuneful Italian music. For Female Choirs, have a look at these: - Veni Sancte Spiritus by Guido...