International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


6,367 results found
NNSU Choir - Magnification of the Holy Theotokos (Velichaniye Bogoroditsy) - G. Sviridov
video: NNSU Choir - Magnification of the Holy Theotokos (Velichaniye Bogoroditsy) - G. Sviridov

Nizhny Novgorod State University Choir (NNSU Choir) - Magnification of the Holy Theotokos (Velichaniye Bogoroditsy) - G. Sviridov. Contest performance at the World Choir Games Riga 2014 - Sacred Music (Musica Sacra). Академический хор ННГУ им Н. И. Лоб...  more

Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach - Magnificat
video: Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach - Magnificat

V Bach's Family Music Festival The Czestochowa Philharmonic Choir Collegium Cantorum Director: Janusz Siadlak Orchestra: Orkiestra Filharmonii Częstochowskiej

Vlado Sunko: MISSA (Classic-Pop-Folk)
video: Vlado Sunko: MISSA (Classic-Pop-Folk)

Performed by: Male Choir "Brodosplit"; Male Choir and String Orchestra of Arts Academy, University of Split with associate musicians. Conductor: Vlado Sunko Recorded at: Croatian National Theatre in Split, Croatia, on December 2, 2013; Mimara Muse...  more

Winter: God bless the Master - Ralph Vaughan Williams Folk Songs of the Four Seasons
video: Winter: God bless the Master - Ralph Vaughan Williams Folk Songs of the Four Seasons

Fifteenth and final movement of Ralph Vaughan Williams' Folk Songs of the Four Seasons. Sung by the Les Sirènes Female Chamber Choir and accompanied by the Les Sirènes Orchestra, conducted by andrew Nunn. St andrew's in the Square, Glasgow, 26/06/11.


Le dita del vento - Mixed youth Choir Emil Komel direttore del coro / zborovodja /conductor David Bandelj regija /režija /directed by Pietro Grauner Musica / glasba / music by Roberto Brisotto testo /bes...  more

Ave Maria - Marcos Vinicius (Soprano's Guide)
video: Ave Maria - Marcos Vinicius (Soprano's Guide)

Ave Maria - Marcos Vinicius (Soprano's Guide) Composed by: Marcos Vinicius (Legnano - 2013) Revision by: Fabio D' Orazio More information, contact us:

Ave Maria - Marcos Vinicius (Tenor's Guide)
video: Ave Maria - Marcos Vinicius (Tenor's Guide)

Ave Maria - Marcos Vinicius (Tenor's Guide) Composed by: Marcos Vinicius (Legnano - 2013) Revision by: Fabio D' Orazio More information, contact us:

Ave Maria - Marcos Vinicius (Bariton's Guide)
video: Ave Maria - Marcos Vinicius (Bariton's Guide)

Ave Maria - Marcos Vinicius (Bariton's Guide) Composed by: Marcos Vinicius (Legnano - 2013) Revision by: Fabio D' Orazio More information, contact us:

Ave Maria - Marcos Vinicius (Bass' Guide)
video: Ave Maria - Marcos Vinicius (Bass' Guide)

Ave Maria - Marcos Vinicius (Bass' Guide) Composed by: Marcos Vinicius (Legnano - 2013) Revision by: Fabio D' Orazio More information, contact us:

Vuela Alto - Banda y Coro Virtual del Colegio Sembradores de Amistad
video: Vuela Alto - Banda y Coro Virtual del Colegio Sembradores de Amistad

Turn on the english subtitles. For english description, see below. En una impresionante muestra de talento, los alumnos de la Secundaria de Colegio Sembradores de Amistad de San Luis Potosí, México nos enseñan que la música es el lenguaje universal que n...  more