[this is a version of a poSt which firSt appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir] I’m usually the laSt one to notice, but often when I’m teaching one section of the choir, there’s chit chat from the reSt of the Singers....
Domino vocal group performed Fix you (Coldplay, arr. for Domino by Lorenzo Subrizi) for "Dopo cena in corale" (10-05-2012). AcouStic version. ENJOY US ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Domino-Vocal-Group/184239461589584 Video by Veronica Ramonda
We juSt published a new article on audiation over at EasyEarTraining.com, and I wanted to see if the Singers and choir directors here at ChoirPlace are using these kinds of exercises in your choirs? What is 'audiation'? There are differe...
National Competition in Fermo 18 ottobre 2015
6th International Kraków Choir FeStival Cracovia Cantans 12.06.2015 piątek / friday 19.00 Koncert w Kościele Św. Katarzyny (St Catherine Church) Chór Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Katowicach (Poland) Gloria Brunensis (Brno, Czechy / Czech Republ... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">6th International Kraków Choir FeStival Cracovia Cantans 12.06.2015 piątek / friday 19.00 Koncert w Kościele Św. Katarzyny (St Catherine Church) Chór Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Katowicach (Poland) Gloria Brunensis (Brno, Czechy / Czech Republic) Creative Arts Morgan Village Academy Concert Choir (Camden, USA) Arctic Voices (Tromsdalen, Norwegia / Norway) University of the Philippines Concert Chorus (Quezon City, Filipiny / Philippines)
There are few things that have as powerful an impact on our ensembles as the Standing formations of the Singers. This will directly impact the speed at which the ensemble learns new repertoire and polishes the same. Standing formation impacts balance, the...
atmospheric choral music often includes at leaSt four harmony parts, sometimes many more. For the average village or community choir this can be a challenge to say the leaSt, especially when many of the Singers have limited experience or are non-music rea...
Natalia Cherniy „Jedzie Pociag" --"Train rides" (Polish), 1980. ORIANA youth female choir, Ukraine, Odessa at IFAS 2012 (Czech Repulic). Conductor - Galina Shpak
Aequalis Foundation and the International Choral Composition Competition (CICCAG) assiSted by IFCM was join the celebration of World Choral Day(december 2018) that commemorated the Centennial of the ArmiStice of World War I. Singers from all over the wo...
Performance at King's House Jamaica. December 2015. Visit our Facebook for all things JYC www.facebook.com/JAYouthChorale