International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


6,225 results found
Grace Before Sleep - Susan LaBarr
video: Grace Before Sleep - Susan LaBarr

South Salem High School Symphonic Choir Grace Before Sleep by Susan LaBarr Performed 12/15/2014 at The Oregon State Capitol

คณะนักร้องประสานเสียงจุฬดาร์ (Chulada Choir) - คำมั่นสัญญา (KHAM MAN SANYA)
video: คณะนักร้องประสานเสียงจุฬดาร์ (Chulada Choir) - คำมั่นสัญญา (KHAM MAN SANYA)

คณะนักร้องประสานเสียงจุฬดาร์ โรงเรียนสาธิตจุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย ฝ่ายมัธยม เข้าร่วมการแข่งขัน Lanna International Choir Competition (จัดโดย Interkultur ผู้จัดการแข่งขัน World Choir Games) ที่จัดหวัดเชียงใหม่ ระหว่างวันที่ 19 - 23 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2559 โดยคณะนัก...  more

Chi Hi Varsity Women's Choir performs "Hidden Love" by John W. Ward
video: Chi Hi Varsity Women's Choir performs "Hidden Love" by John W. Ward

World Premiere of Hidden Love by John Ward.

I wandered lonely as a cloud - Elani Willemse (The Horizons Project Choir)
video: I wandered lonely as a cloud - Elani Willemse (The Horizons Project Choir)

"I wandered lonely as a cloud" is a setting by composer Elani Willemse, of The poem of The same title by William Wordsworth, telling of The poet's melancholic experience of loneliness within his daily existance and how this melancholy is briefly relieved ...  more

Ave Maria Cesar Alejandro Carrillo Women´s Choir CSMC
video: Ave Maria Cesar Alejandro Carrillo Women´s Choir CSMC

Interpretación de la obra "Ave Maria" del compositor Cesar Alejandro Carrillo por el Coro femenino del Conservatorio Superior de Música de Canarias (Gran Canaria).

GLORIA - Frøy Aagre & Schola Cantorum
video: GLORIA - Frøy Aagre & Schola Cantorum

Gloria in Excelsis Deo - The song of The angels announcing Christ's birth - given here in a powerful version, simple and beautiful, for Choir and saxophone by Norwegian composer Frøy Aagre. At times deeply meditative, at times sparkling with energy, this ...  more

A. Arkhangelskiy - Vskuyu Mya
video: A. Arkhangelskiy - Vskuyu Mya

A. Arkhangelskiy - Vskuyu Mya Performed by Pektoral Chamber Choir (Kyiv, Ukraine). Art Directior - Andriy Karpinets. (Fragment of The concert at Moskow Easter Festival 27th April 2012, at CaThedral of miraclemakers Cosma & Damian in Shubin (Moskow)). ...  more

Brighton TubThumpers Choir
group: Brighton TubThumpers Choir

Come to Brighton Tubthumpers drop-in Choir for songs of protest, passion, solidarity, in glorious uproarious harmony. All sessions run from 1pm to 4pm, and are being held at Phoenix Community Centre, Brighton, BN2 9ND (except 08/11/2015) I am runni...  more

"And the Glory of the Lord" from Messiah (Handel) 2020 Virtual Choir
video: "And The Glory of The Lord" from Messiah (Handel) 2020 Virtual Choir

This selection was part of The National Chorale's 2020 Virtual Messiah Sing-In Members of this project belonged to The following ensembles: Morris Choral Society (Morristown, NJ) Ocean Grove Great Auditorium Choir (Ocean Grove, NJ) Seton Hall Univ...  more

With a Lily in your Hand
video: With a Lily in your Hand

University of Utah Chamber Choir, under The direction of Dr. Barlow Bradford performing Eric Whitacre's "With a Lily in your Hand" on Their 2013 Spring Concert in The Libby Gardner Concert Hall.