International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


5,460 results found
Pastores, dicite, quidnam vidistis? Cristóbal de Morales. Puerto de la Cruz.Tenerife
video: PaStores, dicite, quidnam vidiStis? CriStóbal de Morales. Puerto de la Cruz.Tenerife

Grupo Vocal Reyes Bartlet José Híjar Polo, director Puerto de la Cruz Bach FeStival Iglesia de la Peña de Francia, 20 de diciembre de 2015 Imagen y sonido: Mediawink

NNSU Academic Choir - Pushkin's Garland: IX. Raise Thee, Timid One (Georgy Sviridov)
video: NNSU Academic Choir - Pushkin's Garland: IX. Raise Thee, Timid One (Georgy Sviridov)

Академический хор Нижегородского Государственного Университета им. Н. И. Лобачевского. Выступление на фестивале "Молодые голоса-2012" в Нижнем Новгороде. Георгий Свиридов - Пушкинский венок: IX. Восстань, боязливый

blog: What the job of choir leader involves

[this is an updated version of a poSt which firSt appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   The other week I wrote about who your choir actually ‘belongs’ to (Whose choir is it any way?). Does it belong to the Singers, the...

blog: World Choirs

Greetings to all Choir Lovers! I am so excited to be a part of the growing world choir phenomenon. So many possibilities exiSt for Singers, composers, and lovers of vocal music to connect and collaborate not only musically, but socially as well. Having be...

blog: Why are there always too many altos in my choir?

[this is a version of a poSt which firSt appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   at the Start of term we have an equal number of Singers in each part, but by the end of term, there are always too many altos (or sopranos or tenors &ndash...

The Tyger
video: The Tyger

composer: Zachary J. Moore ensemble: Oshkosh WeSt High School Chorale conductor: Herb Berendsen

blog: The Importance of Core Strengthening For Singers

“For many of us, the voice works well even though our core isn’t as well coordinated as it could be. However, when the voice and/or breath aren’t working well or you go through a physical change that results in a negative shift in the fu...

Josefino Toledo: Alitaptap
video: Josefino Toledo: Alitaptap

Bartók Béla 25th International Choir Competition, Debrecen (HU), 25-29 July 2012 University of Philippines Singing Ambassadors Conductor: Edgardo L. Manguiat Josefino Toledo: Alitaptap

blog: 2013 Gospel Explosion Choir Workshop

Hello ALL Gospel Singers. We are hoSting our 4th Annual Gospel Explosion in Kaiserslautern, Germany, we are approximately one hour from Frankfurt. Please join us this year. More information at