International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


884 results found
BY YOUR SIDE -  The Heart of Scotland Choir & Junior Chorus
video: BY YOUR Side - The Heart of Scotland Choir & Junior Chorus

Great hearing both choirs sing this song by Jane Hamilton.

Coro Barbarossa
group: Coro Barbarossa

We defined storyteller because we range from Musicals (West Side Story) to the blacks of Africa (Homeless), the popular French songs (The Troi Cloches) tango (Libertango) From Scottish songs (Loch Lomond) to the '60s (California Dreaming ) by The Beatles ...  One';">moreOne;">We defined storyteller because we range from Musicals (West Side Story) to the blacks of Africa (Homeless), the popular French songs (The Troi Cloches) tango (Libertango) From Scottish songs (Loch Lomond) to the '60s (California Dreaming ) by The Beatles (Obladi oblada) to Italian folk songs (Improvviso) ... I stop 'cause the papyrus is stretching too ...! Siamo definiti CANTASTORIE perchè spaziamo dal Musical (West Side story) ai neri d'Africa (Homeless), dalle canzoni popolari francesi (Le Troi Cloches) al tango (Libertango), Dalle canzoni scozzesi (Loch Lomond) agli anni '60 (Sognando California) dai Beatles (obladi oblada) alle canzoni popolari italiane (Improvviso)...mi fermo perche' il papiro si sta allungando troppo...!!!  One';">less

Irish Blessing
video: Irish Blessing

"And until we meet and SING TOGHETER Side BY Side again, May God hold you in the palm of his hand." We wish a happy new year 2021 to all the choruses in lockdown! Hold on and never give up! Polifonico Quattroquarti from Italy

"Tonight, Tonight" - Rendezvous Quartet (Live in the Studio)
video: "Tonight, Tonight" - Rendezvous Quartet (Live in the Studio)

My quartet Rendezvous had the pleasure of recording a 7 song EP in October of 2009 here in Toronto. "Tonight, Tonight" is from West Side Story with lyrics by Stephen Sondheim and music by Leonard Bernstein. It was adapted for barbershop by Jay Giallomb...  One';">moreOne;">My quartet Rendezvous had the pleasure of recording a 7 song EP in October of 2009 here in Toronto. "Tonight, Tonight" is from West Side Story with lyrics by Stephen Sondheim and music by Leonard Bernstein. It was adapted for barbershop by Jay Giallombardo and made famous by the quartet "Acoustix". Danny and I transcribed it in the fall of 2008 and it has become One of our favourite songs to sing in the quartet. Bass : Calvin Frank BaritOne : Andrew Kesler Lead : Brodie Cuff Tenor : Danny Fong Produced by: Andrew and Sarah Kesler Mixed by: Tristan Henderson and Andrew Kesler  One';">less

blog: Hand In Hand - celebrate the true spirit of Christmas with songs of Courage, Joy and Love

Be inspired and make a real difference at Hand In Hand, Melbourne Town Hall, Saturday 10th December, 3pm    Do you long to listen to beautiful arias from your favourite operas, groove to gospel and swoon to classics that you know and...

The Hand That Signed The Paper
video: The Hand That Signed The Paper

【wow! 合唱】音樂會 時間/ 2014年9月20日 地點/ 大東文化藝術中心 指揮/ 張成璞 伴奏/ 許溎芳 詩: Dylan Thomas 曲: 黃俊達 The hand that signed the paper The hand that signed the paper felled a city; 簽署文件的手,摧毀了一座城市; Five sovereign fingers taxed the breath, 強權在握的五隻手指,令人窒...  One';">moreOne;">【wow! 合唱】音樂會 時間/ 2014年9月20日 地點/ 大東文化藝術中心 指揮/ 張成璞 伴奏/ 許溎芳 詩: Dylan Thomas 曲: 黃俊達 The hand that signed the paper The hand that signed the paper felled a city; 簽署文件的手,摧毀了一座城市; Five sovereign fingers taxed the breath, 強權在握的五隻手指,令人窒息, Doubled the globe of dead and halved a country; 倍增了死亡的境界,半分了一個國家; These five kings did a king to death. 五位強權者聯手扼殺了一個國王。 The mighty hand leads to a sloping shoulder, 這神聖的手搭著垂落的肩膀, The finger joints are cramped with chalk; 指關節如石膏般僵硬; A goose’s quill has put an end to murder 一支鵝絨筆成就了屠殺, That put an end to talk. 因而終結了對話。 The hand that signed the treaty bred a fever, 簽署條約的手,帶來了瘟疫, And famine grew, and locusts came; 也帶來了饑荒和蝗禍; Great is the hand that holds dominion over 多了不起的手啊, Man by a scribbled name. 藉由潦草的簽名,統治著人類。 The five kings count the dead but do not soften 五位國王數算著死去的靈魂 The crusted wound nor stroke the brow; 既不安慰結痂的傷口,也不輕撫受傷的額頭; A hand rules pity as a hand rules heaven; 這隻手掌管了天地,也主宰著憐憫; Hands have no...    One';">less

Somewhere - Sondheim - Bernstein | Arr. R. Edgerton
video: Somewhere - Sondheim - Bernstein | Arr. R. Edgerton

Somewhere from "West Side Story" University of Santo Tomas Singers Fidel Calalang, Jr. |

blog: Children and adults sing carols Side by Side

This month, children and adults will be singing Side by Side at carol concerts across the UK. The concerts will include works from new collection Carols for EveryOne, which features seven carols arranged for SATB choir and children’s choir.   ...

Central City Chorus
group: Central City Chorus

Founded in 1981, Central City Chorus is an auditiOned mixed chorus of 50+ highly accomplished and dedicated volunteer singers. Currently in reSidence at the Church of St. Ignatius of Antioch on Manhattan's Upper West Side, the Chorus performs an eclectic ...  One';">moreOne;">Founded in 1981, Central City Chorus is an auditiOned mixed chorus of 50+ highly accomplished and dedicated volunteer singers. Currently in reSidence at the Church of St. Ignatius of Antioch on Manhattan's Upper West Side, the Chorus performs an eclectic range of music, from a cappella compositions to works for chorus and orchestra, from countries around the world. Our diverse repertoire spans the 14th to the 21st centuries, including recent performances of the Brahms Requiem, Mendelssohn's Elijah, Bach's Magnificat and Christmas Oratorio, as well as new commissions by Kristin Kuster, Elliot Levine, and Jonathan David. Phillip Cheah joined the Chorus as its Music Director in 2010.  One';">less

With a Lily in your Hand
video: With a Lily in your Hand

University of Utah Chamber Choir, under the direction of Dr. Barlow Bradford performing Eric Whitacre's "With a Lily in your Hand" on their 2013 Spring Concert in the Libby Gardner Concert Hall.