International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


13 results found
blog: Calming classics help life limited children

WORCESTER’S Elgar Chorale is holding a concert to raise notes of a financial kind in support of Acorns - but the charity is no STRANGER to the power of music.   While the choir is excited about its Concert for Hope, which features Vivaldi&rsq...

Rendezvous Quartet
group: Rendezvous Quartet

Rendezvous was formed in Toronto in 2008 when 3 prairie-born best friends were singing in a stairwell, and a complete STRANGER asked them if they needed a fourth. The rest is history. The line-up of Rendezvous is: Danny Fong (tenor) - voice major Bro...  more

The Rune of Hospitality - Utah Chamber Artists
video: The Rune of Hospitality - Utah Chamber Artists

Barlow Bradford and the Utah Chamber Artists perform Alf Houkam's "Rune of Hospitality" at their 2009 Collage Concert in the Cathedral of the Madeline in Salt Lake City with Todd Woodbury on guitar. "I saw a STRANGER yestereen I put food in the eating...  more