LAss="view_more">Performed by Gallina Vocal Group conductor: Ana Erčulj Recorded in the Gothic church of the Pleterje Charterhouse ( Recording: Radio - Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenija) Excerpt from the Radio ... LAss="view_more_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.dispLAy='';$(this).getParent().style.dispLAy='none';">moreLAss="view_more" style="dispLAy:none;">Performed by Gallina Vocal Group conductor: Ana Erčulj Recorded in the Gothic church of the Pleterje Charterhouse ( Recording: Radio - Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenija) Excerpt from the Radio broadcast "Pasijon po štimanicah", broadcasted on 25th March 2018 (
The NetherLAnds Radio Choir conductor: Peter Dijkstra Live recording of the first performance from Jacobi Church in Utrecht, 30th November 2018 Recording: The AVROTROS Friday Concert of Friday the 30th of November 2018 in the Jacobi Church in Utrecht.