Nova skladba za mešani zbor na ljubezensko besedilo Cirila Zlobca. Želim vam prijetno poslušanje. A new composition for mixed choir based on love poetry of Ciril Zlobec. I wish you all pleasant listening. Črt Sojar Voglar
Posneto v živo na koncertu "S harmoniko od Evrope do Amerike", Mestni muzej, Ljubljana 2020 / Life recording from a concert "With accordeon from Europe to America", Ljubljana City museum, 2020. Skladatelj/Composer: Melani Popit Besedilo/Lyrics: maked... more
Den přeslavný (Christmas folk song), conductor: Daša Karasová, arranger: Petr Janovský
Adapted from Gustav Holst's 'The Planets' Suite - Holst set two verses of a poem by Sir Cecil Spring-Rice using part of 'Jupiter'. This arrangement by Paul Ayres Conducted by David Crown
Cantores Celestes Women's Choir Kelly Galbraith, Director Ellen Meyer, Pianist
Original poem by Audrey Vaughan, using my German translation, with a brief Latin introduction (meaning: "for this is my body"). set for SATB choir. It is a meditation on the meaning of transubstantiation. Hoc est enim corpus meum Die Ewigkeit der Wel... more
A recent performance by the UH Moores Concert Chorale under the direction of Dr. Betsy Weber at the University of Houston Moores Opera House. "Les Quatrains Valaisans" are a set of poems by Rainer Maria Rilke in which he expresses his poetic admiration ... more
Awake O North Wind, set by Daniel Pinkham. J. Steven Walker, conductor. Recorded November, 2018. From the Wedding Cantata.
Slovenska ljudska pesem iz Zagorice v Dobrepolju/ Slovenian folk song from Zagorica in Dobrepolje arrangement: Andrej Makor 1. sopran: Manca Simonič 2. sopran: Mirjam Strmole 1. alt: Ana Plemenitaš 2. alt: Višnja Fičor Artistic leader: Ana Erčulj ... more
Recorded on December 21, 2017, at the Church of St. Francis in Split. recording and production: Bernard Kahle