From our album 'Stabat Mater', recorded live in concert at the Cathedral Church of St Marie, Sheffield, UK on 20th September 2014. Sheffield Chamber Choir, directed by Robert Webb. Sound recording and images by James Bacon CD... is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">From our album 'Stabat Mater', recorded live in concert at the Cathedral Church of St Marie, Sheffield, UK on 20th September 2014. Sheffield Chamber Choir, directed by Robert Webb. Sound recording and images by James Bacon CD available to buy at Mp3 download available on Amazon and iTunes. John Tavener's Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis 'Collegium Regale' were composed in 1986, commissioned by Stephen Cleobury for the choir of King's College, Cambridge. The standard text of the Magnificat (Song of Mary, Luke 1: 46-55) is augmented by words of the Orthodox troparion (Byzantine hymn) to the Mother of God. is).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less
Donkey carol, John Rutter, Corfu Children's Choir, conductor: Christina Kalliaridou, piano: Elli Glarou. Παιδική Χορωδία Κέρκυρας. 16/12/2014.
Swara Vocal Ensemble. Ivan Yohan, conductor From the concert "Celestial Spheres" 2021 Recorded at Église Notre Dame du Sacré-Coeur (Brussels) ©️2021 Ivan Yohan & Dan Mărăşescu Marion Bauwens, soprano Mirthe Dokter, soprano Lydia M. Stoddart, sopran... is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">Swara Vocal Ensemble. Ivan Yohan, conductor From the concert "Celestial Spheres" 2021 Recorded at Église Notre Dame du Sacré-Coeur (Brussels) ©️2021 Ivan Yohan & Dan Mărăşescu Marion Bauwens, soprano Mirthe Dokter, soprano Lydia M. Stoddart, soprano Liza Dedapper, soprano Zayra Vélazquez, soprano Anna Nuytten, mezzo/alto Boris Kondov, countertenor Imogen Streul, mezzo/alto María Gil Muñoz, mezzo/alto Hendrik Mispelon, tenor José Pizarro, tenor Leander Van Gijsegem, tenor Paul Gosme, tenor Timo Tembuyser, tenor Andrés Soler Castaño, bass Jan Moeyaert, bass Laurent Fobelets, bass Mbolanirina Rabetsimatahodriaka, bass Hsieh Yu Hsiang, bass is).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less
This stunning arrangement of the John Williams classic features Muzaria's haunting A Cappella harmonies with chilling footage from the award winning Spielberg film. Released on Holocaust Memorial day 2018 - The Power Of Words! Vocal Arrangement - DArr... is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">This stunning arrangement of the John Williams classic features Muzaria's haunting A Cappella harmonies with chilling footage from the award winning Spielberg film. Released on Holocaust Memorial day 2018 - The Power Of Words! Vocal Arrangement - Darren Marc Bartlett Vocals - Muzaria Recording, Editing & Mastering - Alvin Allison Video Production - Kingsbere Designs Video Footage - Schindler's List (full credits on screen) Copyright DMB MUSIC 2000-2017 is).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less
指揮:連芳貝 / 獨唱:官靈芝 / 鋼琴:陳丹怡 / 小提琴:楊欣瑜 / 豎笛:李昆峰 / 貝斯:陳興隆 / 打擊:簡任廷、簡任佑 performed by National Taiwan University Chorus conducted by Fang-Pei Tracy Lien composed by Elton John from "Aida"
Barnsley Youth Choir. Winners of the Grand Prix for Pop/Jazz/Gospel/Spiritual European Choir Games 2015. This is live footage taken in the closing ceremony at Johanneskirche in Magdeburg, Germany on 11/07/15
"O Holy Night" Adolph Adam. Texto: John S. Dwight Coral Santiago Apóstol de Casarrubuelos Barítono: Guillermo Guerrero Soprano: Visi Fernández Director: Mariano García Concierto de Navidad Monasterio Santa María de El Paular Rascafría (Madri... is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">"O Holy Night" Adolph Adam. Texto: John S. Dwight Coral Santiago Apóstol de Casarrubuelos Barítono: Guillermo Guerrero Soprano: Visi Fernández Director: Mariano García Concierto de Navidad Monasterio Santa María de El Paular Rascafría (Madrid) 11 diciembre 2011