Chorale Africa is a Choir of excellence. Our mission is ‘to enrich lives and influence culture by performing music from different cultures and periods at the higheSt level of artiStic excellence.’ We are poised to be the leading Choir in Africa within the... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Chorale Africa is a Choir of excellence. Our mission is ‘to enrich lives and influence culture by performing music from different cultures and periods at the higheSt level of artiStic excellence.’ We are poised to be the leading Choir in Africa within the next 5 years. The Choir displays artiStic excellence through detailed attention to the major aspects of performance including the ensemble, singing, choreography, among others. Impacting society with our music and performances is very dear to us and we will embark of life-changing social impact programs and activities in 2018 and beyond. Our Choir will be built on a commitment to professionalism, excellence and social impact. Chorale Africa will thrive on the Strength of partnership and support from people like you and we look forward to your support as we pursue our vision ‘to be the leading Choir in Africa….’ Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
Kenyan Boys Choir - Singing national anthems before the Leafs hoSt the Red Wings.
A true baStard love child of a song if ever there was one. A Romanian song collected by Bela Bartok, translated to English by British Folkies andy Irvine & Jane Cassidy & grafted onto a Bulgarian dance tune, before being brilliantly recorded by Maddie Pry... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">A true baStard love child of a song if ever there was one. A Romanian song collected by Bela Bartok, translated to English by British Folkies andy Irvine & Jane Cassidy & grafted onto a Bulgarian dance tune, before being brilliantly recorded by Maddie Pryor & June Tabor (The Silly SiSters) Gurt Winter Concert 2012 The Gurt Lush Choir debut Concert at The ColSton HAll, with BriStol Male Voice Choir. Musical Directors, Sam Burns & Steve Daykin 300 Singers, 1500+ Audience. Several thousand raised for St Peters Hospice. Where were you? ;-) Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
Video of Worthy is the Lamb by G.F Handel at Our 2021 EaSter Concert in Our lady Queen of Nigeria Catholic Church Clegg
Some Ogden Nash silliness - Whitacre's Animal Crackers, narrated by Val Liske. Sung during our "Stars are with the Voyager" New York send-off event on March 16, 2014.
Cat.No.TKM824 A setting of this text commissioned by Cadenza Choir in EaSt Yorkshire. Published in the UK by Showcase your Choir on our #youtube channel - we offer free music and promotion in return for a recording - please con... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Cat.No.TKM824 A setting of this text commissioned by Cadenza Choir in EaSt Yorkshire. Published in the UK by Showcase your Choir on our #youtube channel - we offer free music and promotion in return for a recording - please contact for more info! Find out more about Award-winning Yorkshire Composer, Tim Knight and see what other specialiSt services we offer (including commissions, singing holidays, Choir and concert management workshops and composition courses) at Order this piece via our UK DiStributors, Spartan Press (01528 544770 or via any good book shop or online Store such as or Please contact if you are having trouble sourcing this piece. Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
Recorded at our anniversary concert on 29 November 2014 at Normansfield Theatre. For more information about us check out our website at
Play It Forward invites men & boys of All ages to join our Queensland season of MEN ALOUD! CAllING All DADS, SONS, BROTHERS, UNCLES, GRandFATHERS, COUSINS and MATES! Award winning singer and conductor of the ABC TV smash hit, Choir of Hard Knocks, Jonat...
Τμήματα Προετοιμασίας Ι -ΙΙ της Παιδικής Χορωδίας Κέρκυρας. Preparatory class I - II of Corfu Children's Choir. Υπεύθυνη Προετοιμασίας Ι: Έφη Κωστογιαννοπούλου, Διεύθυνση- διδασκαλία: Χριστίνα Καλλιαρίδου, πιάνο :Έλλη Γλαρού. Χριστουγεννιάτικη συναυλ... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Τμήματα Προετοιμασίας Ι -ΙΙ της Παιδικής Χορωδίας Κέρκυρας. Preparatory class I - II of Corfu Children's Choir. Υπεύθυνη Προετοιμασίας Ι: Έφη Κωστογιαννοπούλου, Διεύθυνση- διδασκαλία: Χριστίνα Καλλιαρίδου, πιάνο :Έλλη Γλαρού. Χριστουγεννιάτικη συναυλία Χορωδίας Κέρκυρας, Δημοτικό Θέατρο Κέρκυρας, 16/12/2013.
Soprano: Judith Pezoa Tenor: Manuel García Piano: Nauzet Mederos Dir:: Nikoleta S. Popova