6,370 results found
Yangolska kolyskova
Mykola Shukh „Янгольська колискова" -- "Yangolska kolyskova" („Angel lullaby"), 1952, ukrainian song. ORIANA Youth female Choir at IFAS 2012 (Czech Republic). Conductor - Galina Shpak.
Le dita del vento - Mixed Youth Choir Emil Komel
direttore del coro / zborovodja /conductor David Bandelj
regija /režija /directed by Pietro Grauner
musica / glasba / music by Roberto Brisotto
testo /bes... moreLe dita del vento - Mixed Youth Choir Emil Komel
direttore del coro / zborovodja /conductor David Bandelj
regija /režija /directed by Pietro Grauner
musica / glasba / music by Roberto Brisotto
testo /besedilo / text by Elisa Gastaldon
rassegna /revija /project
Virtual author of texts
ideata da Alessia Calcagni
L. Antonova, Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit
Performed by the Concert Boys Choir of the Konakovo Boys and Youth Choral School. Conductor - Natalia Makhnovskaya. St. Matthew Cathedral, Colmar, France 2010 ||| Испоняет Концертный хор мальчиков Хоровой школы мальчиков и юношей г. Конаково. Дирижёр - На... morePerformed by the Concert Boys Choir of the Konakovo Boys and Youth Choral School. Conductor - Natalia Makhnovskaya. St. Matthew Cathedral, Colmar, France 2010 ||| Испоняет Концертный хор мальчиков Хоровой школы мальчиков и юношей г. Конаково. Дирижёр - Наталья Махновская. Собор Святого Матфея, Кольмар, Франция 2010
DEEP RIVER Arr. Gaspard
Deep River
Arr. Marvin Gaspard
Altamiro Bernardes - conductor
Mayra Fajionato - piano
St. Hedwig Church
Bojano - Poland
May 2014
National Youth Choirs of Great Britain
We're five Choirs of seven hundred young people aged 9-25 from across the United Kingdom, and a national singing champion reaching hundreds more every year through outreach. We run inspirational residential courses and training programmes, create remarkab... moreWe're five Choirs of seven hundred young people aged 9-25 from across the United Kingdom, and a national singing champion reaching hundreds more every year through outreach. We run inspirational residential courses and training programmes, create remarkable concerts and performances, and work in partnership to get singing happening in schools and open settings. We do it because singing together at the highest level transforms young people's lives, and we want to make sure that as many as possible get the chance to experience it for themselves. less
PoliRock - Jingle Bell Rock
PoliRock - Jingle Bell Rock
Music by Joseph Carleton Beal & James Ross Boothe
Conductor, Tolga Gulen