This is the only video we managed to take from our NovemBer 2010 Taverner recording sessions. Dum transisset was the first piece by Taverner I ever Heard, some 23 years ago while at Christ Church, Oxford, and it's still among My favourites. Recorded on an... more
Purchase "Love Divine, All Loves Excelling" from the album "Hymns of Faith II (Legacy Series)": Amazon: iTunes: Deseret Book: LDS Store: The Mormon TaBernacl... more
The sauciest version of Java Jive that I've ever Heard!- Katarina Henryson, The Real Group Konzert des Bonner Jazzchors im Pantheon Bonn
攝錄於2011年8月20日Ponte Singers 「聲.華」合唱音樂會 香港演藝學院賽馬會演藝劇場 HKAPA Amphitheatre 指揮: 林屴汧; 雙簧管: 關尚峰 ConDucted by Stephen LAM; Oboe by KWAN Sheung Fung Written by XU Zhimo (1897-1931), "I Have a Love" is a poem which expresses the appreciation and Love of the p... more
Der Bonner Jazzchor unter der Leitung von Sascha Cohn Bei Jazz@Night im Rahmen des Deutschen ChorwettBewerbs 2014 in Weimar Zweiter Preis in der Kategorie G1 (Populäre Chormusik a cappella)
After 13 years at the helm of Australia's most famous and Loved, award winning choir - the Choir of Hard Knocks, Dr Jonathon Welch AM will give his Melbourne farewell concert Seasons of Love at Melbourne Town Hall on Sun June 2, 2019 at 2pm. "It ...
Performed by OFFICINA CORALE STEFANO PURI, conDuctor 28.05.2017 - Basilica di Santa Maria in Montesanto (Rome) - Live recording
Angels We Have Heard on High, arr. David Zabriskie. The Virginia Wesleyan College Singers with Bryson Mortensen conDucting, George Stone, piano, Lauren Lide, flute, and the Tapestry Bell Ensemble in Norfolk, VA. Like the Choirs at Virginia Wesleyan Colleg... more
Men2sing sing at the Manchester Amateur Choral Competition at the RNCM on 1st February 2015 Performing Bui Doi, Fields of Gold, How Can I Keep From Singing, Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Light and Love New Vocal Works for the Sonux Ensemble Works by Tobias Forster, Ola Gjeilo, Gregor Hübner, Paul Mealor, Vytautas Miškinis, Uģis Prauliņš, Alwin Michael Schronen, Aleksandar S. Vujić, Eric Whitacre deutsche Sprache - siehe unten Cr... more