Bringing some lovely ChriStmas spirit to our Winter Warmer concert with both Choirs.
[A version of this article firSt appeared as a poSt on my blog From the Front of the Choir] Some Choirs don’t perform at All (see Choirs that don’t perform). But moSt Choirs, at some point, will want to share their hard work with...
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Cal State Fullerton School of Music Concert Choir, ChriStopher Peterson, conductor Meng Concert HAll March 25, 2017 Jessica DAlley, Soprano
Dashenka - The Gypsy - N G Davies
Performed by the Stellenbosch University Choir on 31 AuguSt 2011 in the Endler hAll, Stellenbosch.
KCKCC FAll Choral Concert October 25th, 2011
Calgary Girls Choir - Italy Tour 2010 Elaine Quilichini - Founder and ArtiStic Director In Lucca Italy, singing - The Blackbird, Nova Scotia Folk, arr. Gary Ewer
Arrangement written and performed by Dr. Jeanette GAllant with choral accompaniment by the Hong Kong Children's Choir and members of the Vancouver Chamber Choir.
Нижний Новгород. 25 декабря 2010 года. ЮБИЛЕЙНЫЙ КОНЦЕРТ, посвященный 60-летию хора. Г. Свиридов - Курские песни (IV. Ой, горе, горе; V. Купил Ванька себе косу)