SKOWRONKI Girls' Choir Antonina Busse - sopran Dominika Jachnik - mezzosopran Maria Lewandowska - harp Alicja Szeluga conductor GAUDETE! Live concert 21/12/2012 Poznań, Poland
From Sergei Rachmaninoff's "All-Night Vigil" No. 5 Nïne otpushchayeshi. Justin Kroll, Tenor Recorded live March 17, 2024 Arborlawn United Methodist Church Fort Worth, TX
Te Deum Chamber Choir Sora Park, pianist Live performance, October 20, 2019 Village Presbyterian Church, Prairie Village, Kansas Sopranos: Lucy Conklin, Katherine Dick, Rupal Gupta, Nicole Murray, Victoria Olson, Sydney Seratte... more
Live Recording SFCS Vietnamese Tour Our Lady of Tra Kieu Church Da Nang, Vietnam March 22, 2011
Edition: Dr. David Thurmaier Te Deum Chamber Choir Live performance, November 13, 2016 Village Presbyterian Church, Prairie Village, Kansas
12th International Chamber Choir Competition Marktoberdorf, Germany,; June 10-15, 2011; Live recording; This is a service of Choral Festival Network; Concert St. Andreas Nesselwang a June 12
Little Organ Fugue performed by MLADA choir Conductor: Olga Vyguzova Пермский хор «Млада», Пермь Художественный руководитель: Ольга Выгузова (Заслуженный деятель искусств РФ)
Singing Circle of Life from the motion picture Lion King, live on the show Do posljednjeg zbora (Croatian version of the Battle of the Choirs)...
Text of James L.Nicholson Taken from Psalm 27 and Isaiah 12:2 Music by Manolo Da Rold Recorded live by Angelo Giordano - Modus Progetti Musicali __________________________________________________ Il Signore è la mia luce: cosa potrà spaventarmi?... more
Rihards Dubra (1964): O CRUX AVE mottetto a 4voci registrazione live, 30 Giugno 2012 Chiesa S. Maria Assunta in Senaghino - Senago (MI)