"Vanishing Act" originally by Rajaton, performed by VOCALIVE June 23rd 2012 at Hegelsberghalle Griesheim Stay tuned to VOCALIVE: SUBSCRIBE to our youtube channel, LIKE us on facebook, FOLLOW us on Twitter or VISIT our homepage vocalive.info
Voices of Aloha, gueSt artiSts - Mark Yasuhara, conductor E Maliu Mai, by Irmgard Farden Aluli, America The Beautiful, by S. Ward / Arr. C. Dragon, Richard Lum. conductor
Cadence performs Minnie The Moocher at Polyfolia in Saint-Lô, France Nov. 2012. Visit Cadence online at www.cadence-unplugged.com for upcoming tour dates. Tenor - Ross Lynde Tenor - Lucas Marchand Bari/Bass - Carl Berger Bass/Perc - Kurt Sampson
Coffee in a Cardboard Cup - BurStin' with Broadway Concert May 2011. Music for Kander and Ebb, Arranged by Kevin Robison. Introduction written by Dominique Hogan and Rosemary DiBernardo.
The famous Irish anthem
2019-11-08 Singing Together: Elvetham Community Choir and Cecilia Singers CS: For The Beauty of The Earth
[this is an updated version of a poSt which firSt appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir] Your church or community centre sets up the Concerts. Your committee deals with the finances and the social events. Your musical director teac...
The Graduate Choir NZ with Dr John Wells (organ) perform "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" on TVNZ's Praise Be. Words: Isaac Watts (1674-1748) Hymn tune: Rockingham - Edward Miller (~1731-1807) Arrangement Verse 4: Sir David Willcocks (b. 1919) T... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The Graduate Choir NZ with Dr John Wells (organ) perform "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" on TVNZ's Praise Be. Words: Isaac Watts (1674-1748) Hymn tune: Rockingham - Edward Miller (~1731-1807) Arrangement Verse 4: Sir David Willcocks (b. 1919) This recording is available on the Praise Be 25th Anniversary CD: http://www.amplifier.co.nz/release/78803/praise-be.html --- The Graduate Choir NZ Director of Music: Terence Maskell http://www.graduatechoir.co.nz http://www.facebook.com/TheGraduateChoirNZ http://www.twitter.com/GraduateChoirNZ --- Dr John Wells - http://www.johnwells.co.nz Praise Be - http://tvnz.co.nz/praise-be --- Recorded 6 May 2008 at All Saints' Anglican Church, Howick, Auckland, New Zealand. http://www.allsaintshowick.org.nz --- Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less