International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


7,802 results found
Başkent Philharmonic Choirs
group: Başkent Philharmonic Choirs

the mission of the Başkent Philharmonic Music Education and Research Association is to develop polyphonic Music culture on national and international platforms and to contribute to the ideal of Contemporary Turkish Music of our Republic. In addition, it a...  more

Saskatoon Chamber Singers
group: Saskatoon Chamber Singers

the Saskatoon Chamber Singers was founded in 1977 by a group of former Greystone Singers (University of Saskatchewan) who wanted to continue singing in a quality choral ensemble. the Choir has been a finalist in both the CBC choral competition for amateur...  more

Müller Chamber Choir
group: Müller Chamber Choir

Founded in 1999, the Müller Chamber Choir is a male-voice Choir from Taiwan that aims to introduce the finest blend of male choral sound to the choral scene. This 30-strong male Choir aspires to the celebrated male choral tradition and delights in explori...  more

Coral Ad Libitum de Puerto Rico, Inc.
group: Coral Ad Libitum de Puerto Rico, Inc.

Ad Libitum Choir represents the new faces over the coral Music in Puerto Rico. Is a non profit organization that provides the resources and skills as necessary to perform great and marvelous choral Music.

The Evening Primrose by CorISTAnbul Chamber Choir
video: the Evening Primrose by CorISTAnbul Chamber Choir

the Evening Primrose No. 4 from Flower Songs Op. 47 by Benjamin Britten CorISTAnbul Chamber Choir Music and Choral Director: Arda Ardaşes Agoşyan Assistant Director: Natali Boğosyan Concert Recording, June 9, 2012

San Pedro Bautista Hymn
video: San Pedro Bautista Hymn

Performed by the Bartholomean Chamber Singers during the First Pedrista Music Festival Choral Competition held at San Padro Bautista Parish, San Francisco del Monte, QC. on Feb. 26, 2011.

Črt Sojar Voglar: O MAGNUM MYSTERIUM - in Basel (CH)
video: Črt Sojar Voglar: O MAGNUM MYSTERIUM - in Basel (CH)

O MAGNUM MYSTERIUM Music: Črt Sojar Voglar for mixed Choir (SATB div) — Europäische Jugendchor Festival Basel, Switzerland Thursday, 10.V.2018, 17.00 Concert HIMMELWÄRTS / HEAVENWARDS Basel Münster — Conservatory for Music and Ballet Ljubljana S...  more

Ama Namen (Conductor: Meng-Hsien PENG, Performance: 木樓合唱團 Müller Chamber Choir)
video: Ama Namen (Conductor: Meng-Hsien PENG, Performance: 木樓合唱團 Müller Chamber Choir)

《我們的父》Ama Namen Composed by John August Pamintuan 2015 第九屆德國布拉姆斯國際合唱大賽暨音樂節 2015 9th Int. Johannes Brahms Choir Festival and Competition 宗教組冠軍 Sacred Choral Music Category Winner Conductor: Meng-Hsien PENG 彭孟賢 Performance: the Müller Chamber Ch...  more

Europäischer Kammerchor, Köln
group: Europäischer Kammerchor, Köln

Europäischer Kammerchor Köln e.V. Die Ursprünge des Europäischen Kammerchores liegen beim internationalen Chorleitungskurs in St. Moritz (Schweiz) im Jahre 2003. Seitdem treffen sich die engagierten Chorsängerinnen und -sänger aus Deutschland und den eu...  more