There are Magic Moments of Music in every minute of a choir competition bringing together thousands of young Singers from all over the world - the World Choir Games. Electrifying tension in the competitions, great curiosity and love to experiment in wo... more
Dear Singers/Conductors, We invite you in the beautiful village Paralia, Greece, situated on the west coast of the Thermaic gulf and in the shadow of Olympus, on the 9th edition of International Choir Festival "Music and sea" , September 1... more
Vox Canora choir from Parma was formed eighteen years ago, and from 2008 is directed by M° Monica Lodesani. Born by a group of Singers, together with his conductor, Gianluigi Giacomoni, wanted to perform new kind of music in the city's musical scene with ... more
2009夏季音樂會 世界拼圖(唱遊世界.傾聽台灣) 2009/6/7 高雄市文化中心至德堂 指揮: 翁佳芬 Shenandoah 雪納朵 arr. James Erb 美國民謠 本曲為膾炙人口的美國民謠,曲名「雪納朵」是一條河及其河谷的名稱(Shenandoah River, Shenandoah Valley),位於維吉尼亞州密蘇里河畔,亦是曲中主人翁的故鄉。在南北戰爭中,雪納朵之役為南北軍相爭維吉尼亞的重要戰爭,結果南軍大敗。編曲者艾爾布(James Erb, 1926-)運... more
43. International Choir Contest Tolosa, Spain. Certamen Coral de Tolosa.
Founded by Maestro Jae-Joon Lee as a vocal ensemble in 1980, Pilgrim Mission Choir demonstrates the essence of church music with refined harmony and commitment to music. This is a choir for mission through praising. Pilgrim Mission Choir gives regular c... more
EOC is an international experimental project choir. The choir consists of participants in workshop weeks, which are offered twice a year in different European countries. Overtone singing is a new vocal technique that allows for singing two tones simul... more
The Honolulu Chorale, established in 1966, is one of the oldest non-audition community choruses in the State of Hawaii. It's members represent the multi-ethnicity of Hawaii's population and include Singers of Asian, Pacific, European and American backgrou... more
Winner of the 2015 ASCAP/Chorus America award for Adventurous Programming, Choral Chameleon is known for championing New Music for voices within the context of mixed-genre thematic programming and experiments in non-traditional staging. Founded in New ... more