International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


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Were You There? by Christopher H. Harris
video: Were You There? by ChriStopher H. Harris

Recorded live from AfterGlow's Concert "Love Is Stronger Than Hate: Remembering CharleSton 2015" "Love Is Stronger Than Hate: Remembering CharleSton 2015" was a very special, powerful Concert AfterGlow Chorus in Oakland, CA. This very special concer...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Recorded live from AfterGlow's Concert "Love Is Stronger Than Hate: Remembering CharleSton 2015" "Love Is Stronger Than Hate: Remembering CharleSton 2015" was a very special, powerful Concert AfterGlow Chorus in Oakland, CA. This very special Concert honored and commemorated the heart-breaking, and, ultimately, inspirational events at Mother Emanuel Church in CharleSton, SC in June 2015: We were deeply moved and inspired by Chris Singleton's (@csingleton_2) incredible Story and personal mission that "Love is Stronger than hate": Please consider making a donation to support the beautiful Emanuel Nine Memorial: Concert location: FirSt Presbyterian Church of Oakland, Oakland, CA Date: AuguSt 6, 2023 SoloiSt: Julian Nesbitt Composer: ChriStopher H. Harris ( Swen Ervin, Creative Director Arnold Lee, Music Director (  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

NNSU Academic Choir - Crucifixus (Antonio Lotti)
video: NNSU Academic Choir - Crucifixus (Antonio Lotti)

Академический хор Нижегородского Государственного Университета им. Н. И. Лобачевского. Выступление на фестивале "Молодые голоса-2012" в Нижнем Новгороде. Antonio Lotti - Crucifixus

Rhythm of Love (cover) - KeyStone A Cappella
video: Rhythm of Love (cover) - KeyStone A Cappella We filmed this tune as a possible inclusion in our VCN 2012 Opener Submission video. Still a few spots that are not quite "off book", but it sounds good anyway, so we wanted to share. ...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;"> We filmed this tune as a possible inclusion in our VCN 2012 Opener Submission video. Still a few spots that are not quite "off book", but it sounds good anyway, so we wanted to share. Written by Tim Lopez Arrangement by Tom WeSt Lead Vocal: Josh Schrager KeyStone purchases the mechanical rights for all covers they diStribute in any format. Demand us!  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

"Pater Noster" - Jonathan Adams
video: "Pater NoSter" - Jonathan Adams

"Pater NoSter" by Jonathan Adams, performed by the Famiglia Sala at the Rimini International Choral Competition 2012. They were the winners in Class E.

Love Soul Choir - Apply Now!
video: Love Soul Choir - Apply Now!

2012 is going to be another big year for Love Soul Choir. You can join our journey by heading over to: #singitliveitloveit

HB Choir gh
group: HB Choir gh