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Eric Whitacre & Rezonans - Bach (Again) Come Sweet Death
Eric Whitacre & Rezonans, Zorlu Center PSM, 08.11.2014
Guest Conductor/Konuk Şef: Eric Whitacre
Artistic Director/Sanat Yönetmeni: Burak Onur Erdem
Rezonans, 2010 sonunda koro müziğini en kaliteli şekilde icra etmek üzere kuruldu. Tecrübeli koris... moreEric Whitacre & Rezonans, Zorlu Center PSM, 08.11.2014
Guest Conductor/Konuk Şef: Eric Whitacre
Artistic Director/Sanat Yönetmeni: Burak Onur Erdem
Rezonans, 2010 sonunda koro müziğini en kaliteli şekilde icra etmek üzere kuruldu. Tecrübeli koristlerden oluşan topluluk; Borusan Müzik Evi, Aya İrini Müzesi, Avusturya Kültür Ofisi gibi İstanbul’un prestijli mekânlarının yanı sıra, birçok koro festivalinde ve Türkiye’nin farklı şehirlerinde performans gösterdi.
Rezonans, gerek koro şefliği atölyelerinde, gerekse uluslararası projelerde Simon Carrington, Volker Hempfling, Klaus-Jürgen Etzold, Qin Huang, Nigel Short, Brady Allred ve Paulo Lourenço gibi konuk şeflerle çalışma imkânı buldu. 'Geçsin Günler' albümünde İncesaz'a eşlik etti.
Rezonans, çağdaş dönem eserleri üzerinde yoğunlaşan bir repertuvara sahip. Özellikle Türk bestecilerin 20. ve 21. yüzyıl eserleri, koro için önemli bir odak noktası oluşturuyor. Besteciler Hasan Uçarsu ve Özkan Manav’ın dünya prömiyerlerini gerçekleştiren ekip, Kamran İnce’n... less
Welcome, Bonn visitors!
Four members of the Bach Choir from Bonn in Germany will be in the audience next Saturday evening (10 December) at Leeds Town Hall for a performance of Handel’s Messiah by Leeds Festival Chorus.
They will be arriving in the city along with ...
Jingle Bells
Taken from The King's Singers' new 'Christmas' DVD, recorded in Jerwood Hall at LSO St Lukes.
Gloria by John Rutter
指揮: 翁佳芬
John Rutter魯特
魯特(John Rutter, 1945-)是英國近代傑出的作曲家、指揮家、教育家,也是合唱音樂的推廣者,合唱作品類型分為改編與創作兩大類,魯特的合唱小品承繼英國傳統,溫馨而典雅,大型宗教合唱作品節奏明快、旋律動聽,《光榮頌》是魯特首次在美國正式演出的合唱作品,也是襲捲美國樂壇的代表作。
《光榮頌》是魯特於1974年獲美國梅爾歐森合唱團(the Voice of Mel... more2012十週年音樂會
指揮: 翁佳芬
John Rutter魯特
魯特(John Rutter, 1945-)是英國近代傑出的作曲家、指揮家、教育家,也是合唱音樂的推廣者,合唱作品類型分為改編與創作兩大類,魯特的合唱小品承繼英國傳統,溫馨而典雅,大型宗教合唱作品節奏明快、旋律動聽,《光榮頌》是魯特首次在美國正式演出的合唱作品,也是襲捲美國樂壇的代表作。
《光榮頌》是魯特於1974年獲美國梅爾歐森合唱團(the Voice of Mel Olson)邀請,以管樂、管風琴、打擊樂伴奏的大型四部混聲合唱作品。歌詞源自〈彌撒曲〉的第二部分,以拉丁文歌詞歡頌耶穌誕生的故事,魯特為了描繪天使吹號角報佳音的景象,使用了大量銅管樂器,而梅爾歐森合唱團正好位在擁有全美最佳管樂演奏者的內布拉斯加州(Nebraska),魯特巧妙地將混聲合唱團與管樂團結合,營造出氣宇軒昂的氛圍。
《光榮頌》包括快、慢、快三個樂章,魯特以歌詞為靈感,設計了特殊動機與音型,構成動人的旋律,音樂素材交織在豐富的合唱織度中,搭配管樂嘹亮的音色,適時點綴打擊樂器,曲風莊嚴華麗且親切迷人,成為近代合唱曲目中膾炙人口的作品。 (撰文 陳主揚)
Gloria in excelsis Deo
Et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis
Laudamus te
Benedicimus te
Adoramus te
Glorificamus te
Gratias agimus tibi
Propter magnam gloriam tuam
Dómine Deus, Rex caelestis
Deus Pater omnipotens
Domine Fili Unigenite, Jesu Christe
Domine Deus, Agnus Dei, Filius Patris
Qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis
Suscipe deprecationem nostram
Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris, miserere nobis
Quoniam tu solus Sanctus
Tu solus ... less
Puer Natus In Betlehem (J.S. Bach) [CoroFyL]
Puer Natus In Betlehem (J.S. Bach)
Coro de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (UBA), Argentina.
Director: andrés Aciar
Parroquia del Patrocinio de San José.
4 de Diciembre 2011, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Artistry in the Choir Loft
Artistry in the Choir Loft
Frank F. Eychaner- Colorado Christian University
One of our many goals as music ministers is to make our musical and worship offering to the Lord the best we are able to produce. Artistic performances begin with ...
J.S.Bach "Air"
V. Nikonov - violocello, M. Zharov - piano.
11.12.2011 - Tsaritsyno Estate Museum, Moscow.
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring - Musical piece by Johann Sebastian Bach
#choral #classicalmusic #gospel #ghchoralmusic #Bach
Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring is from the cantata Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, BWV 147, written in 1716 when the Bachs lived in Weimar and revised for later use in Leipzig in 1723.
The text des... more#choral #classicalmusic #gospel #ghchoralmusic #Bach
Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring is from the cantata Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, BWV 147, written in 1716 when the Bachs lived in Weimar and revised for later use in Leipzig in 1723.
The text describes the author’s close and friendly relationship with Jesus in very familiar and joyful terms.
#jsBach #theyoutubeexperience #anticipate #gnaasknustchoir
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@HARMONIOUS CHORALE GHANA @The Symphonials - Ghana
@His Voice GH @VOCES8 @VocalEssence Chorale
@Classical Tunes @Top Classical Music - Music History Channel
@Classical Music Only @Classical Music/ /Reference Recording
@Johann Sebastian Bach
@GH Choral Music less