6,225 results found
Dowlais Male Choir
One of The most historically famous Welsh Male Voice Choirs. Based in The South Wales Valley town of Merthyr Tydfil, The Choir gives regular performances.
Vuela Alto Coro Virtual
The Junior High Students of The Colegio Sembradores de Amistad in San Luis Potosí, Mexico show us that music is an universal language that brings us togeTher, defeating every obstacle like time and space.
Every one of Them have learned and recorded ind... moreThe Junior High Students of The Colegio Sembradores de Amistad in San Luis Potosí, Mexico show us that music is an universal language that brings us togeTher, defeating every obstacle like time and space.
Every one of Them have learned and recorded individually a part of an original song (Vuela Alto = Fly High). When brought togeTher, this parts sums to a wonderful show of talent and music. This project was made for The graduation prom by students aged between 13 and 15 years old.
They show us that The only thing that matters to achieve anything is take The risk and surrender to your dreams. More than a third of Them have never sung to an audience before (including Linda, The soloist).
The music brings us togeTher, it allows us to raise our voice to The universe and with it "Ni la distancia podrá separarnos" (Not even The distance can take us apart). less
The Marlowe Singers
We are a long establised Choir joined by our passion for singing and music.
We are made up of people from all walks of life - some trained to sing and oThers not. As such we have a massively varied repertoire as well as taking on new pieces regularly.
... moreWe are a long establised Choir joined by our passion for singing and music.
We are made up of people from all walks of life - some trained to sing and oThers not. As such we have a massively varied repertoire as well as taking on new pieces regularly.
Tweet us @marlowesingers
We have a couple of concerts each year - christmas and summer and this is inter-splashed with singing at local events and The local festivals. We also have a few social events!
We are always looking for new voices to join us - so get in touch! less
Kirkintilloch Male Voice Choir, Scotland
We are a 50 strong Male Voice Choir from Kirkintilloch in Scotland around half way between Edinburgh and Glasgow.
We perform throughout Scotland and have raised thousands of pounds over The years.
Our Annual Concert is held each year at St Mary's Parish... moreWe are a 50 strong Male Voice Choir from Kirkintilloch in Scotland around half way between Edinburgh and Glasgow.
We perform throughout Scotland and have raised thousands of pounds over The years.
Our Annual Concert is held each year at St Mary's Parish Church around The end of March beginning of April.
See us on Facebook
Roger Bobo plays The tuba
Παιδική Χορωδία Κέρκυρας, Corfu Children's Choir,
διεύθυνση-διδασκαλία: Χριστίνα Καλλιαρίδου,
τούμπα: Γιώργος Μακρής,
πιάνο: Έλλη Γλαρού,
Δημοτικό Θέατρο Κέρκυρας,16/12/2012.
Corfu Children's Choir,
director: Christina Kalliaridou,
tuba: George Ma... moreΠαιδική Χορωδία Κέρκυρας, Corfu Children's Choir,
διεύθυνση-διδασκαλία: Χριστίνα Καλλιαρίδου,
τούμπα: Γιώργος Μακρής,
πιάνο: Έλλη Γλαρού,
Δημοτικό Θέατρο Κέρκυρας,16/12/2012.
Corfu Children's Choir,
director: Christina Kalliaridou,
tuba: George Makris,
piano: Elli Glarou,
Fanshawe Chorus London
Since its formation as a Centennial Project in 1967, Fanshawe Chorus London has become one of The largest musical performance organizations in Canada, and The largest in Western Ontario. This auditioned mixed voice adult Choir performs a an impressive rep... moreSince its formation as a Centennial Project in 1967, Fanshawe Chorus London has become one of The largest musical performance organizations in Canada, and The largest in Western Ontario. This auditioned mixed voice adult Choir performs a an impressive repertoire of music ranging from symphonic classical to modern favourites under The direction of Maestro, David Holler. Uniquely, The Chorus is backed by its own "Concert Players Orchestra" and is a non-profit corporation operating in partnership with The Media Studies Program at Fanshawe College. This organization has achieved its world class status through its adherence to excellence, and The diligence of individual choristers and continues to grow in quality each season. The London Fanshawe Symphonic Chorus organization is also a two time winner of The Ontario Lieutenant-Governor's Award for The Arts for fiscal responsibility and innovative programming. less
Onwa Eshie by Chris Ogu
A traditional Igbo Christmas folk music dramatized by Two fine soloists. Accompanied by The Choir to depict The Christmas cheer and joy of The coming of The Son of God to Earth.
Choir of Christ Chapel
The Choir of Christ Chapel performs fine sacred choral literature from primarily The 18th century to The present time. This 65 to 70 member, mixed-voice ensemble sings for services in Christ Chapel, for Christmas in Christ Chapel, an annual spring tour, a... moreThe Choir of Christ Chapel performs fine sacred choral literature from primarily The 18th century to The present time. This 65 to 70 member, mixed-voice ensemble sings for services in Christ Chapel, for Christmas in Christ Chapel, an annual spring tour, and at special College events. Major city tour destinations have included San Antonio, St. Louis, Kansas City, Chicago, Milwaukee, Lincoln, and Omaha. Membership is by audition.
Conducted by Bradon Dean.