Performance by the Mansfield University Concert Choir conducted by Peggy Dettwiler at the 2014 World Choir Games in Riga, Latvia. They won a gold medal and third place in the Mixed Youth Choir Category.
"Making or Breaking" by Kim André Arnesen. Words by David Roberts. Performed live by John Gunther (Saxophone) and Kantorei, Denver and ArtiStic Director Joel Rinsema. Scores available from
Excerto do Concerto de Páscoa dado na Igreja de Sta Isabel a 21 de Abril de 2012 pelo Coro Feminino de Lisboa (ver
Coral Reyes Bartlet Amerike Ensamble Olivia Pehme, Marcos Depetris, violín Paula Hernández, cello Juan Carlos Baeza, contrabajo David Martel, teclado José Híjar Polo, director Iglesia de la Peña de Francia, 16 de diciembre de 2012 Concierto E... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Coral Reyes Bartlet Amerike Ensamble Olivia Pehme, Marcos Depetris, violín Paula Hernández, cello Juan Carlos Baeza, contrabajo David Martel, teclado José Híjar Polo, director Iglesia de la Peña de Francia, 16 de diciembre de 2012 Concierto Extraordinario de Navidad Grabación y poStproducción: Claudio Híjar, Alberto Sicilia y CriStina González Sonido: Luis Acuña Iluminación EC
Un jour vis un foulon - Roland de Lassus (Orlando di Lasso) sung by The Stairwell Carollers with gueSt, Gabriel Lewis-O'Connor. From the Stairwell Carollers 40th anniversary Concert, May 5, 2017. This Concert was the grand finale of a weekend work... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Un jour vis un foulon - Roland de Lassus (Orlando di Lasso) sung by The Stairwell Carollers with gueSt, Gabriel Lewis-O'Connor. From the Stairwell Carollers 40th anniversary Concert, May 5, 2017. This Concert was the grand finale of a weekend workshop event with Gabriel Lewis-O'Connor ( Chanticleer alumnus and professional singer and choral conductor). Three choirs from Glebe Collegiate and Gabriel Lewis-O'Connor joined The Stairwell Carollers in workshops at the Galilee Centre and in Concert. Our thanks to Rachel Handley, Glebe choir director and music teacher. Get our professional recordings here... All Stairwell Carollers CDs benefit charities and are available on our website in both CD and MP3 formats. This non-profit organization raises funds for local charities through Concert, CD and cookbook sales. The Stairwell Carollers, an a cappella group formed in 1977 by director Pierre Massie, has earned the diStinction of being ranked amongSt... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
Live Performance in Karlsruhe (22.9.2012)
Teddington Choral Society and its Music Director, Julian Collings, are delighted to announce their forthcoming Concert: "Feel the Spirit - Music of Modern America" Landmark Arts Centre, Ferry Road, TW11 9NN, Teddington. July 9th at 7:3...
After 13 years at the helm of AuStralia's moSt famous and loved, award winning choir - the Choir of Hard Knocks, Dr Jonathon Welch AM will give his Melbourne farewell Concert Seasons of Love at Melbourne Town Hall on Sun June 2, 2019 at 2pm. "It ...
Birdland performed by MLADA choir Conductor: Olga Vyguzova Пермский хор «Млада», Пермь Художественный руководитель: Ольга Выгузова (Заслуженный деятель искусств РФ)