A Psalm Beyond the Silences (a piece for Jewish HolocauSt remembrance) for SatB Chorus and Piano Music by Stanley M. Hoffman (1994) Words by Joseph H. Albeck The Seraphim Singers Jennifer LeSter, conductor Music: © Copyright 1999 by Ione Press, I... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">A Psalm Beyond the Silences (a piece for Jewish HolocauSt remembrance) for SatB Chorus and Piano Music by Stanley M. Hoffman (1994) Words by Joseph H. Albeck The Seraphim Singers Jennifer LeSter, conductor Music: © Copyright 1999 by Ione Press, Inc., a division of ECS Publishing. www.ecspublishing.com All rights reserved. Used by permission. ECS Publishing Catalog No. 5322 "A Psalm Beyond the Silences by Joseph H. Albeck, © Copyright by Joseph H. Albeck All rights reserved. Used by permission. Recording © Copyright 1999 by ECS Publishing. www.ecspublishing.com All rights reserved. Used by permission. Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
Elbow and the BBC Concert OrcheStra performing grounds for divorce Mondays is for drinking to the seldom seen kid I've been working on a cocktail called Grounds for Divorce Whoah Polishing a compass that I hold in my sleep Doubt comes him on St... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Elbow and the BBC Concert OrcheStra performing grounds for divorce Mondays is for drinking to the seldom seen kid I've been working on a cocktail called Grounds for Divorce Whoah Polishing a compass that I hold in my sleep Doubt comes him on Sticks but then he kicks like a horse Whoah There's a chinese cigarette case And the reSt you can keep And the reSt you can keep And the reSt you can keep There's a hole in my neighbourhood down which of late I cannot help but fall There's a hole in my neighbourhood down which of late I cannot help but fall Mondays is for drinking to the seldom seen kid There's this whispering of jokers doing flesh by the pound To a chorus of supposes from the little town whores There'll be twiSted karaokee at the Aniseed lounge And I'll bring you further roses But it does you no good And it does me no good And it does you no good There's a hole in my neighbourhood down which of late I cannot help but fall There's a hole in my neighbourhood down which of l... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
Performance by the Mansfield University Concert Choir conducted by Peggy Dettwiler at the 2014 World Choir Games in Riga, Latvia. They won a gold medal and second place in the Spiritual Category.
Fran Gerbič (1854 - 1933) ROŽMARIN
2012十週年音樂會 高雄市文化中心至德堂 2012-11-16 指揮: 朱如鳳 伴奏: 許溎芳 詞:以賽亞書九章6節 曲:George Frideric Handel韓德爾 巴洛克時期偉大的作曲家韓德爾(George Frederic Handel, 1685-1759),出生於德國,1712年赴英國發展,以歌劇創作佔有一席之地,然而1730年代歌劇熱潮漸衰,韓德爾遭逢劇院破產,加上身體中風、精神喪亂的危機,在他人生谷底,收到好友詹寧斯(Charles Jennens)寄來神劇《彌... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">2012十週年音樂會 高雄市文化中心至德堂 2012-11-16 指揮: 朱如鳳 伴奏: 許溎芳 詞:以賽亞書九章6節 曲:George Frideric Handel韓德爾 巴洛克時期偉大的作曲家韓德爾(George Frederic Handel, 1685-1759),出生於德國,1712年赴英國發展,以歌劇創作佔有一席之地,然而1730年代歌劇熱潮漸衰,韓德爾遭逢劇院破產,加上身體中風、精神喪亂的危機,在他人生谷底,收到好友詹寧斯(Charles Jennens)寄來神劇《彌賽亞》文本,深受感動,遂在1741年完成了這部長達兩個半小時的巨作,首演大獲成功,也挽救了他的事業。 「彌賽亞」的意思是「救世主」,歌詞依聖經經文寫成,全劇以簡樸流暢的旋律、雄偉的氣勢、華麗的技巧、明亮的和聲交織而成,將人聲與器樂發展到極致,〈因有一嬰孩為我們而生〉是其中最具聖誕節慶氣氛的一首合唱曲,歌詞取自以賽亞書九章6節,四個聲部如爭豔般展現花腔技巧,四個重複段落層層堆疊,表現世人迎接救主降生的喜樂。 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the everlaSting Father, the Prince of Peace. 因有一嬰孩為我們而生 有一子賜給我們 政權必擔在他的肩頭上 他名稱為 奇妙、策士、全能的上帝 永在的父、和平的君 Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
Исполняет Жар-Сокол хор, дирижер – Любовь Жарова. Международный конкурс в г. Невшатель (Швейцария), август 2012 года
The women's choir Katla was founded in 2012 by women who wanted to sing regularly and be part of empowering other women through song. We have about 80 members around the ages 20-45 years old, that come from different places and backgrounds but enjoy singi... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The women's choir Katla was founded in 2012 by women who wanted to sing regularly and be part of empowering other women through song. We have about 80 members around the ages 20-45 years old, that come from different places and backgrounds but enjoy singing together.
I believe I can fly performed by Choirs R Us adult choir.
Semana Santa Musical en la Sierra, Galapgar, 24 de marzo de 2012