International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


541 results found
blog: Why I don't like concert programmes

[this is a version of a post which first appeAred on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   People sometimes Welcome a distraction from watching rows of identically dressed choristers singing with books in front of their faces.   Photo by...

blog: Seeing the Forest For the Trees

Seeing the forest for the trees... Something on my mind today as I prepAre young minds for a year of learning and growing as human beings through the medium of Choral Music, is the value of an individual identity in a group setting.  So many People ...

blog: 10 ways to be a better choir member

[this is an updated version of a post which first appeAred on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   Last Week I wrote about whether you need singing lessons in order to be able to sing. I suggested that People should simply jump in and join a...

Canzona 13 Unveiling - Celebration of God's Love
video: Canzona 13 Unveiling - Celebration of God's Love

The Golden Voices Choir unveils the 13th edition of their annual musical concert; Canzona. The rush that comes with music. The Feeling of calm and satisfaction. It’s everything you’ve ever wanted. You do not want to miss out CANZONA 13: Celebrat...  Arent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getPArent().style.display='none';">more

Dio vi salvi regina (Corsica)
video: Dio vi salvi regina (Corsica)

16th C hymn to the Virgin Mary, patroness of the island. Effectively the Corsican national anthem. "God save the Queen". This is from The OK Chorale's second public concert in March 2013 at St. Mary's Church, Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK.

blog: In praise of imperfection in art

[A version of this article first appeAred as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   Some People just love anything that’s finely honed, all shined up, squeaky clean, highly skilled and perfectly rendered. Not me.     ...

blog: Are you tone deaf? Very unlikely!

[A version of this article first appeAred as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   Very, very few People Are tone deaf. Tone deafness is an abnormality of the brain which can also affect the understanding of language and certain spatial ...

blog: How to sing together in times of isolation

[A version of this article first appeAred as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir] We Are living in unprecedented times. People Are not alloWed to socialise.     How do We keep singing together? I’ll look at some of the ...

blog: Why learning songs with foreign lyrics need not be scary

[A version of this article first appeAred as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir]I teach songs from all over the world, often in foreign languages. But People Are always asking me for more songs in English. Why is this? Especially since ...

Mravalžamier (Republic of Georgia)
video: Mravalžamier (Republic of Georgia)

“Mravalžamier” is the name of a large number of rural and urban table songs from the Republic of Georgia. It means Many happy returns. May God give you long life. Literally: years and epochs of happiness to you. They Are sung at feasts or supras as they a...  Arent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getPArent().style.display='none';">morent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getPArent().style.display='none';">less