Lyrics by Eladia Blázquez Tatiana Konoshenko (soprano) April, 2012 Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory The choir's 55th anniversary concert -------------------------------------------------------------- Desde una estrella al titilar... Me... more
This is the abridged version of "The 21st century (A Girl Born in Afghanistan)," a setting for mixed choir of excerpts from Kofi Annan's Nobel Peace Prize lecture. Performed by the Southwest Minnesota State University Chorale under Stephen Kingsbury.
THERE IS NO ROSE by Joshua B. Himes. Directed by Gregory Cleveland. SERENADE performs at the MSVMA State solo & Ensemble Festival, March 22, 2014.
Utwór "Libertatum" autorstwa Jima Papoulisa, z solo Sławka Siecińskiego. Dyrygowała Agata Szwoch. Nagranie realizowane zostało podczas koncertu dyplomowego Agaty Szwoch, który miał miejsce w Katedrze św. Marcina i Mikołaja w Bydgoszczy, dnia 31 maja 2013 roku.
Utwór z repertuaru zespołu The Cranberries w aranżacji Michała Gacka. solo - Ela Michalak
Poem by Marília Moreira (at age 15), music by Jorge Moreira, performed by the dwsChorale in slightly anglicized Brazilian Portuguese (!). The music is available for SSA ATB or soprano solo on (Choral Public Domain Library)
This year Kranjski oktet will celebrate his 5th anniversary. The group consist of experienced amateur singers. We preform choral music, ethnic music and modern songs emphasis on Slovenian authors. We preform a lot across Slovenia on solo tours or we prefr... more
Performed by Universitair Koor Antwerpen at their Spring Concert "UKA 'Round The World" on May 16, 2017. solo by Michael Limpens Camera: Jelmer Lokman, Robin Van Limbergen, Ben Verhaegen, Mike Vancolard
坐在聖父之右者 Qui sedes ad dexteram 女低音獨唱加上低音樂器以上揚的音群以及高音部的下降音群,謙卑地祈求那自天而來的回 應,表達了鍥而不捨的祈禱心志。 獨唱: 詹喆君(女中音) 指揮: 翁佳芬 伴奏: 巴洛克獨奏家樂團 時間: 2007/12/11 地點: 高雄市文化中心至德堂
Performed by Universitair Koor Antwerpen at their Spring Concert "Evolution of Music" on May 10, 2016. solo by Marylyn Mys. Piano: Peter Jeurissen Camera: Jelmer Lokman, Robin Van Limbergen, Ben Verhaegen, Jordan De Deken Sound: Johan De Cock