www.vokalfest.com riprese: Riccardo Riande e Simone Ruggieri
The virtual choir of "The secret of life" is an Argentine project that will involve 123 singers from 19 countries to celebrate the Love towards life through singing. In this way we hope to spread the message of living with determination being authent...
[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir] My real Love is to teach a lot of relatively simple songs so people can spend more time singing and less time learning in a workshop (see We’ve come ...
Since 2008 we have been coming together in central London to learn and perform sea-shanties, murder ballads, protest songs, work songs, Love melodies, folkified non-folksongs, and good old knees-up tunes, from across the centuries and all over the world.
Hi Here is our Blog -- The Stairwell Caroller Choir Blog. We'd Love you to drop by. Thanks, Holly ;)
"Моя любов" Музика - Стефан Димитров, стихове - Михаил Белчев, аранжимент и диригент - Таня Никлева-Владева Изпълнява хор "Ave Musica" 15.12.2016 г., зала "Филип Кутев" на Съюза на българските композитори ============== "My Love" Music - Stefan Dim... more
Since 2008 we've built an enviable reputation as one of the country’s finest and most versatile a cappella groups. We possess a wealth of experience from the worlds of classical, sacred and popular music and balance our Love for the old renaissance master... more
[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir] I Love to sing harmony. In fact, that’s pretty much the only time I sing! WorldSong choir, Coventry But to do that you ne...
Oh I know. I am really stretching your patience mixing those lines in the title. I just couldn't help it. You see, I Love to talk. I don't even need an audience. I can talk until the wallpaper curls. I do remember many y...
KCKCC Chamber Choir Stars by Eriks Esenvalds Love, Faith, Hope - KCKCC Fall Choral Concert Sunday, October 18th, 2015 St. Patrcik's Catholic Church Stars by Eriks Esenvalds