International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


560 results found
OLA GJEILO (1978) Across the Vast Eternal Sky Coro CSMC
video: OLa GJEILO (1978) Across the Vast Eternal Sky Coro CSMC

Concierto Martes Musical 16.12.14

All That Jazz - CHICAGO
video: All That Jazz - CHICAGO

All That Jazz - Concert May 2013 - Kay Meek Centre Soloist - Jude Evans Words by Fred Ebb, Music by John Kander Arranged by - Kirby Shaw

Brentwood Choral Society
group: Brentwood Choral Society

BCS is a friendly local choral society that has come to be know as the 'town's own choir'. It performs sacred and secuLar music in various venues including Brentwood Cathedral.

blog: American Boychoir's "The World Celebrates Christmas in New York": (concert December 16, 7:00 p.m.)

Founded in 1937, the American Boychoir has long been recognized as one of the finest Musical ensembles in the world. The choir performs an exclusive holiday concert featuring seasonal favorites and new cLassics.   Tickets to this event in...

Arizona Girlchoir
group: Arizona Girlchoir

Arizona Girlchoir presents the finest in choral performance for our community while providing a premium Musical education to young women.

Apollo Chorus of Chicago
group: Apollo Chorus of Chicago

Lass="view_more">The Apollo Chorus of Chicago is the area's premier volunteer choir and one of the oldest Musical groups in the United States. Its 125-plus auditioned members include men and women of all ages, races, creeds, and occupations brought together by their love...  Lass="view_more_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.dispLay='';$(this).getParent().style.dispLay='none';">moreLass="view_more" style="dispLay:none;">The Apollo Chorus of Chicago is the area's premier volunteer choir and one of the oldest Musical groups in the United States. Its 125-plus auditioned members include men and women of all ages, races, creeds, and occupations brought together by their love of singing. Each season, Apollo presents the masterworks of Western choral music, from Baroque to Broadway. The group has also been featured in several television, recording, and live performance colLaborations. Year after year, critics and audiences alike delight in the artistry and passion of Apollo's performances.  Lass="view_less_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.dispLay='';$(this).getParent().style.dispLay='none';">less

Mairi's Wedding
video: Mairi's Wedding

Recorded on Cantabile's first outing to Ellerton, in July 2008. The arrangement is by our then Musical director, Jane Edwardson, and the recording by

group: Jean's

Lass="view_more">"Jean’s", based in Hod Hasharon, Israel, was established in the fall of 1998. Its 30 singers represent each and every possible walk of life. Good, solid, serious Musical work, hand in hand with a particuLarly warm, family-like atmosphere, ...  Lass="view_more_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.dispLay='';$(this).getParent().style.dispLay='none';">moreLass="view_more" style="dispLay:none;">"Jean’s", based in Hod Hasharon, Israel, was established in the fall of 1998. Its 30 singers represent each and every possible walk of life. Good, solid, serious Musical work, hand in hand with a particuLarly warm, family-like atmosphere, have made every “Jean’s” rehearsal and performance something very special indeed. Our popuLarity is due in equal measure to the high quality of our performances and to our repertoire,“Love Around the World”, a wonderful songbook comprised of original five-part arrangements (all arranged by Jeanne Rabin herself) of the world’s most beloved love songs of all time – both in Hebrew and English, with a sprinkling of other Languages as well.  Lass="view_less_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.dispLay='';$(this).getParent().style.dispLay='none';">less

Corale Polifonica di Arsoli
group: Corale Polifonica di Arsoli

Lass="view_more">La Corale polifonica di Arsoli, nasce nell’estate del 2009, con l’intento di coltivare un interesse e una passione comuni: La musica ed in particoLare il canto. Si compone di 40 elementi di età varia molti dei quali provenienti già da esperienze music...  Lass="view_more_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.dispLay='';$(this).getParent().style.dispLay='none';">moreLass="view_more" style="dispLay:none;">La Corale polifonica di Arsoli, nasce nell’estate del 2009, con l’intento di coltivare un interesse e una passione comuni: La musica ed in particoLare il canto. Si compone di 40 elementi di età varia molti dei quali provenienti già da esperienze Musicali di vario genere e di vario livello. Il suo repertorio spazia tra brani di musica sacra, profana, operistica e di tradizione popoLare; Dall’agosto 2009 svolge concerti, anima messe e cerimonie; partecipa ad eventi di beneficenza, di promozione culturale e di gaLa privati e non; partecipa a rassegne e festival corali. Organizza ogni anno ad Arsoli La “Rassegna Musicale in onore di N.S.di Guadalupe”, La cui prima edizione coincide con il debutto delLa corale (Agosto 2009), sempre ad Arsoli, in occasione delle festività natalizie, organizza “A Christmas Carol, note di Natale” un concerto in colLaborazione con il coro giovanile “Allegre Note” di Arsoli. Ha partecipato a lezioni-concerto in istituti scoLastici tra cui il Liceo Vitruvio P. di Avezzano. ...    Lass="view_less_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.dispLay='';$(this).getParent().style.dispLay='none';">less

Agrupación Musical Pureza de María - Madrid.
group: Agrupación Musical Pureza de María - Madrid.

Coral Infantil y Juvenil del Colegio Pureza de María de Madrid. Más de sesenta voces de entre 3 y 16 años entregadas a La música para conseguir La educación integral en valores culturales y educativos de sus miembros.