International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


6,312 results found
Oranje Girls Choir
group: Oranje Girls choir

Oranje Girlschoir has a rich tradition of choral singing since the early 1940s. It is the choir's mission since its existence to captivate audiences with versatile and enjoyable singing which is passionately presented by each member. The choir consists of...  more

Alberton Dameskoor
group: Alberton Dameskoor

The Alberton ladies' choir performs a variety of music and offers a very entertaining program. We often perform at churches- during sermons and at informal functions. The sweet sound of the ladies' choir is the ideal way to enhance a church sermon, or to...  more

Marsh Ladies Choir
group: Marsh Ladies choir

Marsh Ladies choir was founded in 1955 and in 2015 will celebrate its Diamond Jubilee. The Yorkshire based choir is around 40 members strong and has developed a wide repertoire from classical and folk to swing, jazz and songs from the shows. The choir mai...  more

group: Adansonia

Twist del Mono Liso
video: Twist del Mono Liso

María Elena Walsh Coro Mixto de la Secretaría de Estado de Educación y Cultura de Tucumán Director Carlos Andrés Aciar Iglesia Evangélica Metodista San Miguel de Tucumán 1994 @Miriam Gomez @ Hortensia Gómez @Roxana Manrique @Sofía Paris @P...  more

Mabe Ladies Choir
group: Mabe Ladies choir

Mabe Ladies choir has been a feature in the Cornish musical landscape since 1931 and has long been one of Cornwall’s premier choral groups. Hailing from places as far afield as Truro and Coverack and ranging in age from thirty-something to eighty-somethin...  more

Elektra Women's Choir
group: Elektra Women's choir

With a mandate to inspire and lead in the choral art form through excellence in performance and through the creation, exploration and celebration of women’s repertoire, Vancouver’s renowned Elektra Women’s choir has taken a leadership role in the internat...  more

St. Cecilia Girl's Choir
group: St. Cecilia Girl's choir

The St. Cecilia Girl's choir is a choral ensemble for girls in grades 5 through young adult in residence at The Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew in Wilmington, Delaware