International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


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Dum transisset Sabbatum
video: Dum transisset Sabbatum

[Dum transisset] Sabbatum, Maria Magdalene et Maria Jacobi et Salome emerunt aromata, ut venientes ungerent Jesum. Alleluia. [When] the Sabbath [was past], Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Salome had bought sweet spices, that th...  One';">moreOne;">[Dum transisset] Sabbatum, Maria Magdalene et Maria Jacobi et Salome emerunt aromata, ut venientes ungerent Jesum. Alleluia. [When] the Sabbath [was past], Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Salome had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint Jesus. Alleluia. Sung at Canterbury Cathedral during our Royal School of Church Music Summer Course in 1986, under Martin How. I (David W Solomons) was One of the altos. John Huntley - a fellow alto - recorded this performance.  One';">less

Camerata Vocal Ad Genua - Negua (Invierno)
video: Camerata Vocal Ad Genua - Negua (Invierno)

Negua, de Javier Jacinto. Perteneciente al ciclo "Seis CanciOnes de Invierno". Interpretado por la Camerata Vocal Ad Genua Concurso y Festival de Coros AMERIDE 2012 São Lourenço, MG. Brasil.

Vokalconsort Osnabrück - Brahms Requiem szenisch
video: Vokalconsort Osnabrück - Brahms Requiem szenisch

Vokalconsort Osnabrück präsentiert: Johannes Brahms "Ein deutsches Requiem" in einer szenischen Fassung von Lars Scheibner und Mareike Franz Leitung: Stephan Lutermann

“Earth Song” (F. Ticheli) - ICanto
video: “Earth Song” (F. Ticheli) - ICanto

ICanto's rendition of Ticheli's "Earth Song," conducted by Fitah Rasendrahasina. The music was recorded live under the technical support of Faniry Andrianavalonome (RamoRecords) and Seta Ramaroson on January 2020. Sing, Be, Live, See. This dark stor...  One';">moreOne;">ICanto's rendition of Ticheli's "Earth Song," conducted by Fitah Rasendrahasina. The music was recorded live under the technical support of Faniry Andrianavalonome (RamoRecords) and Seta Ramaroson on January 2020. Sing, Be, Live, See. This dark stormy hour, The wind, it stirs. The scorched earth Cries out in vain: O war and power, You blind and blur, The torn heart Cries out in pain. But music and singing Have been my refuge, And music and singing Shall be my light. A light of song Shining Strong: Allelulia! Through darkness, pain, and strife, I'll Sing, Be, Live, See... Peace.  One';">less

Hlonolofatsa - Stella Choir
video: Hlonolofatsa - Stella Choir

Performed by Stella Choir - REPERTOIRE OF SPRING 2024 Contact : Conductor : Conducted by Jad Harjane Arranged by Jad Harjane Djembe : Ismail Messari Video directed by Mohammed Ben Yekhlef at L...  One';">moreOne;">Performed by Stella Choir - REPERTOIRE OF SPRING 2024 Contact : Conductor : Conducted by Jad Harjane Arranged by Jad Harjane Djembe : Ismail Messari Video directed by Mohammed Ben Yekhlef at LADABATEK , Tangier  

Zespół Wokalny Minimus "Vecchie letrose" Adrian Willaert
video: Zespół Wokalny Minimus "Vecchie letrose" Adrian Willaert

Fragment koncertu "Miłość w czasach madrygału" Muzeum Narodowe w Poznaniu, 24 czerwca 2012 r. Zespół Wokalny Minimus: soprany: Jadwiga Chałupka, Marta Trzeciak alty: Sławomira Raczyńska, Sonia Wronkowska tenory: Jacek Kozikowski, Marek Raczyńs...  One';">moreOne;">Fragment koncertu "Miłość w czasach madrygału" Muzeum Narodowe w Poznaniu, 24 czerwca 2012 r. Zespół Wokalny Minimus: soprany: Jadwiga Chałupka, Marta Trzeciak alty: Sławomira Raczyńska, Sonia Wronkowska tenory: Jacek Kozikowski, Marek Raczyński basy: Stanisław Bręczewski, Szymon Ratajczak  


Narval, grupo vocal formado en 1989 en Madrid (España). Aunque interpreta todo tipo de estilos corales, en la última década se ha especializado en música popular urbana a cappella (ragtime,swing, rock,tango,bolero,baladas y música pop (en inglés y en espa...  One';">moreOne;">Narval, grupo vocal formado en 1989 en Madrid (España). Aunque interpreta todo tipo de estilos corales, en la última década se ha especializado en música popular urbana a cappella (ragtime,swing, rock,tango,bolero,baladas y música pop (en inglés y en español). Este video corresponde a una versión del "Java Jive" de Manhattan Transfer interpretada en concierto en Junio de 2009.  

London Oriana Choir - Purcell: Hear My Prayer1
video: London Oriana Choir - Purcell: Hear My Prayer1

London Oriana Choir rehearsing the first part of Purcell's Hear My Prayer for a concert at St Martin-in-the-Fields in October 2011.

Vytautas Miskinis: Ave Maria No.3 第三號聖母頌
video: Vytautas Miskinis: Ave Maria No.3 第三號聖母頌

2013.5.20 北歐音畫夏季音樂會 2 大東文化藝術中心演藝廳 指揮: 科勒.漢肯 Kåre Hanken Ave Maria Nr. 3 - Vytautas Miškinis 第三號聖母頌 - 米斯金尼斯 立陶宛當代著名作曲家、合唱指揮米斯金尼斯(Vytautas Miškinis, 1954-),迄今已有超過400首作品,合唱曲如〈頌讚上主〉(Cantate Domino),已成為比賽、演出的名曲,1990年的〈第三號聖母頌〉以男女聲對唱、聲部模仿、主旋律與伴奏等的織度,...  One';">moreOne;">2013.5.20 北歐音畫夏季音樂會 2 大東文化藝術中心演藝廳 指揮: 科勒.漢肯 Kåre Hanken Ave Maria Nr. 3 - Vytautas Miškinis 第三號聖母頌 - 米斯金尼斯 立陶宛當代著名作曲家、合唱指揮米斯金尼斯(Vytautas Miškinis, 1954-),迄今已有超過400首作品,合唱曲如〈頌讚上主〉(Cantate Domino),已成為比賽、演出的名曲,1990年的〈第三號聖母頌〉以男女聲對唱、聲部模仿、主旋律與伴奏等的織度,呈現多變的音樂內容,大量二度、半音堆疊的和聲,如彩色玻璃的光影斑斕交錯,是一首豐富精緻的小品。 Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, Et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Jesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, Ora pro nobis peccatoribus, Nunc, et in hora motris nostrae. Amen. 萬福瑪利亞,妳充滿聖寵,主與妳同在。 妳在婦女中受讚頌, 妳的親子耶穌也同受讚頌。 天主聖母瑪利亞, 為我們罪人祈求天主, 現在和我們臨終時。阿們。  One';">less