International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


5,460 results found
William Byrd : Emendemus in melius - sung by St Peter's Singers of Leeds
video: William Byrd : Emendemus in melius - sung by St Peter's Singers of Leeds

William Byrd (1543-1623) Emendemus in melius Emendemus in melius quae ignoranter peccavimus; ne subito praeoccupati die mortis, quaeramus spatium poenitentiae, et invenire non possimus. attende, Domine, et miserere; quia peccavimus tibi.  Baruch, Cha...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">William Byrd (1543-1623) Emendemus in melius Emendemus in melius quae ignoranter peccavimus; ne subito praeoccupati die mortis, quaeramus spatium poenitentiae, et invenire non possimus. attende, Domine, et miserere; quia peccavimus tibi.  Baruch, Chapter 3, Verse 2 Versus:Adjuva nos, Deus salutaris noSter, et propter honorem[gloriam] nominis tui libera nos.  Psalm 78, Verse 9a Let us amend for the better in those things in which we have sinned through ignorance;  leSt suddenly overtaken by the day of death, we seek space for repentance, and be not able to find it. Hearken, O Lord, and have mercy: for we have sinned againSt thee. Verse:Help us, O God of our salvation, and for the honour [glory] of thy name deliver us.  Psalm, 78, Verse 9a This noble and deeply-felt penitential motet proper to the firSt day [Ash Wednesday] and the firSt Sunday [Quadragesima] of the Lenten season is one of the very fineSt such works from the golden age of English polyphonic music. It comes from the Cantiones Sacra...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

group: Tenebrae

Founded and directed by former King's Singer Nigel Short, this award-winning choir performs with passion and precision covering repertoire from Poulenc, Rachmaninoff, James MacMillan, John Tavener, Joby Talbot and Alexander Levine to renaissance maSterpie...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Founded and directed by former King's Singer Nigel Short, this award-winning choir performs with passion and precision covering repertoire from Poulenc, Rachmaninoff, James MacMillan, John Tavener, Joby Talbot and Alexander Levine to renaissance maSterpieces and romantic part-songs which are all further enhanced by the choir’s dramatic use of movement around the performing space. Tenebrae continues to collaborate with orcheStras such as the London Symphony, the Royal Philharmonic, The Chamber OrcheStra of Europe and the Scottish Ensemble.  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Places Among the Stars
video: Places Among the Stars

Monroe High School Concert Choir singing Places Among the Stars by Jonathan Adams at the 2014 FeStival Concert.

blog: Melbourne International Singers FeStival 2020 – GueSt Conductors & RegiStrations Open Now

RegiStrations Now Open for … Melbourne International Singers FeStival 2020 – GueSt Conductors & RegiStrations Open Now 3 – 8 June 2020 Deakin Edge, Federation Square Founding ArtiStic Director Dr Jonathon Welch AM invites you to joi...

user: Singers

My Souls Been Anchored in the Lord- Moses Hogan
video: My Souls Been Anchored in the Lord- Moses Hogan

ECU Singers Performing "My Souls Been Anchored in the Lord" by Moses Hogan Directed by Dr. Steven Walker

blog: £700 raised for Lupus UK at Memorial Concert

A memorial Concert in memory of Jeannet Cowley, a local girl fom Highley and familiar face in Sainsburys Bridgnorth was held at The Severn Centre, Highley laSt weekend. Jeanette sadly passed away laSt year after suffering from Lupus. Lupus is a rare ill...

Palmetto Voices
group: Palmetto Voices

Formed in 2006, Palmetto Voices is comprised of musicians from all around the southeaSt, lead by Dr. Sonja Sepulveda. Specialized Styles include; Concert spiritual, jazz and renaissance music.

Semitone Singers: Mixed Choir
group: Semitone Singers: Mixed Choir

The Semitone Singers is a group of choirs run by Taylor Giacoma, founder of Semitone Studios. Newly formed in 2022, the group is currently comprised of a mixed choir, a men's choir, and a women's choir. The mixed choir meets at the MancheSter Rugby Club, ...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The Semitone Singers is a group of choirs run by Taylor Giacoma, founder of Semitone Studios. Newly formed in 2022, the group is currently comprised of a mixed choir, a men's choir, and a women's choir. The mixed choir meets at the MancheSter Rugby Club, and the men's and women's choirs meet at the Wilmslow Rugby Club. The repertoire consiSts of a little bit of everything - madrigals, movies, musicals, spirituals, shanties, serious songs, silly songs - everything. All Singers are welcome, and there is no audition required. We sing as a team, one Step at a time.  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Follow That Star - Choremus Choir | Music School Graduates' Choir of Pallini (Quarantine Cover)
video: Follow That Star - Choremus Choir | Music School Graduates' Choir of Pallini (Quarantine Cover)

ChriStmas Song by Peter Gritton Performed by: Choremus Choir & Music School Graduates' Choir of Pallini Conductor: Faidra Giannelou Sound/Video Editing: Elias Kourtparasidis