[A version of this article firSt appeared as a poSt on my blog From the Front of the Choir] Many Choirs will be Starting back soon after a long break. photo by velkr0 This is the perfect time to shake things up a bit if y...
We are a traditional Welsh Male Choir singing classical Male Voice pieces, welsh and film and show numbers. Visit our YouTube channel to see us in action
The Graduate Choir NZ and NZ Barok perform JS Bach's EaSter Oratorio, BWV 249. Conductor: Terence Maskell SoloiSts: Jayne Tankersley (soprano), Dean Sky-Lucas (countertenor), David Hamilton (tenor), Chalium Poppy (bass) --- This performance by T... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The Graduate Choir NZ and NZ Barok perform JS Bach's EaSter Oratorio, BWV 249. Conductor: Terence Maskell SoloiSts: Jayne Tankersley (soprano), Dean Sky-Lucas (countertenor), David Hamilton (tenor), Chalium Poppy (bass) --- This performance by The Graduate Choir NZ exploits with delight the wonderful collaboration with NZ Barok who provide the gamut of inStrumental colour using original inStruments (or modern copies of originals) and with specialiSt players from Auckland, Wellington, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth. This performance is further enhanced by the use of "Baroque pitch" - the neareSt equivalent to the pitch used in Germany at the Start of the 18th century where A = 415, a semitone lower than our modern pitch. In keeping with these StyliStic demands, the size of the Choir is reduced to 3-5 voices per part. In these ways, every effort is made to preserve and re-create as far as possible the "Affekt" of the music, aligning this performance as closely as possible with what may have been expe... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
The Renaissance Music. All-Ukrainian premiere (Odessa, March, 23, 2013). "Ave Musica" Choir performs "Ave Verum" by William Byrd Conducting by andrea Angelini (Italy) www.avemusica.com.ua facebook.com/AveMusicaChoirUkraine
The University Choir of Colorado ChriStian University performs Rene Clausen's composition 'Prayer,' a setting of the words of Mother Theresa of Calcutta. Director, Dr. Frank F. Eychaner. Performed in St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Denver Colorado. April 2011
No. 3 Marsh Flowers from Five Flower Songs, Op. 47 by Benjamin Britten CorIStAnbul Chamber Choir Dir.: Arda Ardaşes Agoşyan Lecture-Concert: "Stanford to Britten: A Musical Lineage" britten100.org British Consulate-General IStanbul Pera... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">No. 3 Marsh Flowers from Five Flower Songs, Op. 47 by Benjamin Britten CorIStAnbul Chamber Choir Dir.: Arda Ardaşes Agoşyan Lecture-Concert: "Stanford to Britten: A Musical Lineage" britten100.org British Consulate-General IStanbul Pera House / BAll Room December 14, 2013
"Pater NoSter" by Jonathan Adams, performed by the Arkansas State University Concert Choir, Dr. Dale Miller at the 2014 Arkansas All-State Music Conference.
The CAllington Singers is a large community Choir from the Tamar VAlley in CornwAll. In its 30 year hiStory, the Choir has sung in the moSt preStigious venues, not only in the UK but also All over Europe, forming Strong bonds of friendship with several ch... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The CAllington Singers is a large community Choir from the Tamar VAlley in CornwAll. In its 30 year hiStory, the Choir has sung in the moSt preStigious venues, not only in the UK but also All over Europe, forming Strong bonds of friendship with several Choirs from overseas. The Choir continues to grow in Strength and has won awards for contributions to choral music and Cornish culture.
Women´s Choir of Music Conservatory of Canary Islands (Gran Canaria) SoloiSts: CriStina Ramos, Daniel Miranda, Héctor de Armas, Silvia Zorita, Tania Rodríguez, Noemí Tadeo Dir.: Nikoleta S. Popova https://www.facebook.com/pages/Coro-Femenino-del-Cons... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Women´s Choir of Music Conservatory of Canary Islands (Gran Canaria) SoloiSts: CriStina Ramos, Daniel Miranda, Héctor de Armas, Silvia Zorita, Tania Rodríguez, Noemí Tadeo Dir.: Nikoleta S. Popova https://www.facebook.com/pages/Coro-Femenino-del-Conservatorio-Superior-de-Música-de-Canarias-GC/387102787974444?fref=ts http://corofemeninogc.wordpress.com http://nikoletapopova.wordpress.com
FunkyVoices - Choir Team Building For More information visit http://www.funkyvoices.co.uk