International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


3,995 results found
Jingle Bells / Zvončići (J. Pierpont, arr. T. Veršić) - "M. Marulić" High School Mixed Choir
video: Jingle Bells / Zvončići (J. Pierpont, arr. T. Veršić) - "M. Marulić" High School Mixed Choir

Croatian lyrics: Milan Mišo Doležal A combined recording from Supetar, Croatia (December 21, 2015) and Split, Croatia (December 17, 2015). video recording: Bernard Kahle, Tolan Radica aud...  more

group: İKÜVOX

video: 祈禱

2012十週年音樂會 高雄市文化中心至德堂 2012-11-16 指揮: 翁佳芬 伴奏: 許溎芳 詞:余光中 曲:劉聖賢 〈祈禱〉這首詩的文字,簡短卻強烈、深刻,每一次讀它,每一次有不同的感動。當我碰上生活中的低潮、需要找尋倚靠與安全感之時,這首詩的字句似乎表達出我內心想說的話。在決定為〈祈禱〉這首詩譜寫旋律的當下,我嘗試使用音樂理論的曲式、對位等手法來設計整首合唱作品,最後總覺得,音樂的形式設計無法刻劃出這首詩的字裡行間所存在的情感與意涵。當我換個方式,一遍又一遍地細細朗讀這首詩,...  more

The Major 4
group: The Major 4

We are an all treble a Cappella quartet consisting of Sophie Morgan, Olivia Howe, Lena Costello and Bailey Sako

The Boeing Employees Choir
group: The Boeing Employees Choir

Making Planes and Making Music. Seattle. Listen, Join, Book, and EnJOY!

Candy Cane Lane | The Girl Choir of South Florida
video: Candy Cane Lane | The Girl Choir of South Florida

"Candy Cane Lane" by Jennifer Zuffinetti, arr. Mac Huff. Recorded live on Friday, December 14, 2012, at The Sanctuary Church in Fort Lauderdale by the Concert Choir ensemble of the Girl Choir of South Florida. Artistic Director: Wallis Peterson, Accomp...  more

Scott Villard--Procedenti puero for SATB (2009) Sung by Matthew Curtis of ChoralTracks
video: Scott Villard--Procedenti puero for SATB (2009) Sung by Matthew Curtis of ChoralTracks Procedenti puero Eya, nobis annus est! Virginis ex utero Gloria! Laudes! Deus homo factus est et immortalis. Sine viri semine Eya, nobis annus est! Natus est de virgine Gloria! Laudes! Deus ho...  more

video: 愛情樹

淡江一甲子‧走過合唱六十年 淡江合唱團 王友輝 詞 冉天豪 曲 愛的種子埋在地底下 雨水滋潤陽光揮灑 一點一點冒出新綠芽 一吋一吋奮力向上爬 日復一日迎風長大 枝葉漸漸聚成傘一把 黃昏遙望山邊彩霞 入夜探看星空眨呀眨 不管野草茂密紛雜 根苗抗壓努力向下紮 有時雲霧遮蔽靈魂之塔 有時難免孤獨害怕 唯有深情能夠穿透雲霧 帶來天堂裡的無限祝福 愛情樹的枝枒 終究開出一朵美麗的花

Mabuhay Ka Pilipino
video: Mabuhay Ka Pilipino

Coro Et Al Festival 2016