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Ola Gjeilo Ubi caritas
Bari - Chiesa di S. Cecilia
Sabato 8 giugno 2013
Ensemble Florilegium Vocis
Menica Papa, Giusy Bottalico, Tonia Colaianni, Anna Giordano, Antonella Chiarappa, Monica Caputi, Gaetano Manzo, Francesco Guastamacchia, Roberto Portoghese, Roberto Sabato, Gi... moreBari - Chiesa di S. Cecilia
Sabato 8 giugno 2013
Ensemble Florilegium Vocis
Menica Papa, Giusy Bottalico, Tonia Colaianni, Anna Giordano, Antonella Chiarappa, Monica Caputi, Gaetano Manzo, Francesco Guastamacchia, Roberto Portoghese, Roberto Sabato, Gianluca Borreggine, Lucio Lorusso
Direttore Sabino Manzo
Sydney Festival Male Voice Choir
Founded in 1952 along The lines of The Gospel Male Voice Choirs in England and Scotland, The Choir's motto is Proclaiming Jesus No OTher Name .The Choir has been privileged to proclaim The good news of God's salvation through Christ Jesus in churches,... moreFounded in 1952 along The lines of The Gospel Male Voice Choirs in England and Scotland, The Choir's motto is Proclaiming Jesus No OTher Name .The Choir has been privileged to proclaim The good news of God's salvation through Christ Jesus in churches, public halls, nursing homes and even prisons.
The Sydney Festival Male Voice Choir needs men who have:-
* Personally accepted God's gift of salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
* A desire to serve Christ Jesus in this form of evangelism.
* A love for music and singing.
* The ability to attend some Choir engagements.
* The ability to attend some Fridays for practice. less
I Choose You (Live) - KeyStone A Cappella
Live from The kitchen at Sled Dog Studios, KeyStone takes a break from tracking Their debut album with The Vocal Company to sing a Sara Barielles tune They just added to Their repertoire.
Live from The kitchen at Sled Dog Studios, KeyStone takes a break from tracking Their debut album with The Vocal Company to sing a Sara Barielles tune They just added to Their repertoire.
Music by Sara Barielles
Arrangement by Tom West
Lead Vocal: Jen Steinberg
Shot live on an iPhone by our recording engineer and producer, Ted Trembinski. The music in this video is unedited and not mastered.
Traces Gospel Choir - You´re My Joy - album Gratitude now released - welcome to The studio
Use The above link for iTunes or click on The link below:
Traces Gospel Choir performing You´re My Joy in The studio. The album Gratitude is now ava... more
Use The above link for iTunes or click on The link below:
Traces Gospel Choir performing You´re My Joy in The studio. The album Gratitude is now available online.
This is The Christmas present of The year 2011 and 2012 in Norway, The United States and everywhere else where There are lovers of gospel music and good music!
Traces are based in Oslo, Norway, but They are an international choir. Visit Traces Gospel Choir here:
The choir says: here is your Christmas present, you can download this video clip in glorious mp4: less
Ljubljančanke - Gallina & Neža Torkar
Prvi videospot Vokalne skupine Gallina in harmonikašice Neže Torkar! V letu 2020 napovedujemo nov koncertni program tujih šansonov in slovenske popevke za ženske glasove in harmoniko.
Izvajalec/Performer: Gallina, vokalna skupina/ Vocal group
... morePrvi videospot Vokalne skupine Gallina in harmonikašice Neže Torkar! V letu 2020 napovedujemo nov koncertni program tujih šansonov in slovenske popevke za ženske glasove in harmoniko.
Izvajalec/Performer: Gallina, vokalna skupina/ Vocal group
Neža Torkar, harmonika /accordeon
Umetniška vodja/Artistic leadership: Ana Erčulj
Skladatelj/Composer: Jure Robežnik (1933)
Aranžer/ Aranger: Tine Bec (1993)
Besedilo/Lyrics: Dušan Velkavrh (1943-2016)
Avtor videa/ Video recording: Dominik Čepon
Audio snemanje/ Recorded by Tadej Mihelič less
Arun Choral Society
Arun Choral Society was founded in 1912 and has over 100 years of history making beautiful music in and around Arundel. The choir is a registered charity made up of around 100 singers from The age of 18 upwards. Singers come from a wide variety of backgro... moreArun Choral Society was founded in 1912 and has over 100 years of history making beautiful music in and around Arundel. The choir is a registered charity made up of around 100 singers from The age of 18 upwards. Singers come from a wide variety of backgrounds, but we all share The enjoyment of choral singing. We are always looking for new members! Please visit our website for more information.
festival music and sea
The International choir festival "Music & Sea" takes place annually in The middle of September in The beautiful village of Paralia, Greece. Paralia is a touristic seaside village situated on The west coast of The The... moreThe International choir festival "Music & Sea" takes place annually in The middle of September in The beautiful village of Paralia, Greece. Paralia is a touristic seaside village situated on The west coast of The Thermaic Gulf and in The shadow of Olympus.
The Festival has two parts: competitive and non-competitive. However, The character and The main concept of both parts is joining music, vacation, friendship and fun. The idea of The Festival is to bring The music closer to The people and to present The music on The streets and The squares of Paralia, Olympic Beach and Katerini. All choir Ensembles, regardless of The members’ gender and age can apply for participation at The Festival.
UCT Choir
The UCT Choir is The most diverse musical group at The University of Cape Town. It is a fully student-run Ensemble which welcomes students from every faculty and discipline, as well as alumni, external members and international students. The fifty-person ... moreThe UCT Choir is The most diverse musical group at The University of Cape Town. It is a fully student-run Ensemble which welcomes students from every faculty and discipline, as well as alumni, external members and international students. The fifty-person choir is an active participant in The musical life of Cape Town. Singers and audiences are exposed to a rich variety of choral music from classical to contemporary genres, drawing strongly on our own South African musical heritage. less