Recorded on 5/3/2024 at Our Beautiful Savior's Lutheran Church in Tucson, AZ as part of our "Modern Madrigals" concert. Text: "The silver swan, who living had no note, When death approached, unlocked her silent throat; Leaning her breast against ... more
The SYC was formed in 1998, as children's choir Singers grew and voices changed! This four part chorus (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass) is devoted to music of all styles, including Classical, Broadway and Contemporary tunes. These dynamic and talented singer... more
Cantate begun as a community chorale in 2001 with a mission to provide high quality music education, experience and opportunity to the island of Guam. Highlights of recent seasons include highlights from the 80′s rock musical ‘Chess,’ ’Messiah’, by G.... more
I'm pleased to share with you a new free sheet music website for Buddhist Choral Music - Singers and Choral Directors are warmly encouraged to browse through over twenty pieces freely available to download as sheet music, and ...
Musica Vocal Ensemble was founded on September 2011. Since then it represents significant cultural gain of ancient region. Repertoire is carefully chosen and follows the choirs vision, which is developing vocal and interpretational abilities of Singers. I... more
Glorious Ensemble has been ministering to churches, nursing homes, baseball games and other venues around NJ and PA since 2012. We are a fun group of Singers that love to worship with our voices. We strive for excellence and do traditional choir music (... more
Named after Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Pittsburg, Kansas (population approx. 20,000) was settled in 1876 near the border of Missouri. The city’s primary employer was Pittsburg & Midway Company, a coal mining company created in 18...
Chorus Austin’s Chamber Ensemble performs “The Tree” by Greg Bartholomew.
The choir, when it was founded in 2002 specialized in Greek, Russian and Hungarian Byzantine music. Today, it is the most acclaimed vocal group in the Hungarz, renowned for quality performances. The exceptional abilities of its members enables the choir t... more
he world premiere of "Forgiveness by Dane A Carten with text by Emanual Wolff. Recorded at the First United Methodist Church in Tucson, AZ on May 6th, 2023. Full text: "Show me eyes like scars to soothe and seethe the thoughts thrice far an... more