2,607 results found
Calgary Concert Choir | Loch Lomond
Loch Lomond by Jonathan Quick as perFormed by The Calgary Concert Choir in 2013 at ChoralFest North, Edmonton, AB. Nick Turnbull, Music Director.
In Those Years, No One Slept by Rich Campbell - South Bend Chamber Singers
The text of “In Those Years, No One Slept” is a scene from a time of conflict/war, by Romanian-American immigrant Claudia Serea. The score is at once rhythmic and exciting, haunting and unsettling. It was a winner of The 2018 Uncommon Music Festival Compo... moreThe text of “In Those Years, No One Slept” is a scene from a time of conflict/war, by Romanian-American immigrant Claudia Serea. The score is at once rhythmic and exciting, haunting and unsettling. It was a winner of The 2018 Uncommon Music Festival Composition Competition. It is accessible For all fine high school, collegiate and community choral ensembles. PerFormers are encouraged to present this work in a more dramatic fashion than usual, “within (or surrounding) The audience.” 2018 Winner of The Uncommon Music Festival Composition Award & premiere in Sitka, Alaska, summer 2018. less
Ēriks Ešenvalds - Only in Sleep (Толькi ў снах)
Music video director: Den Jigunoff. Assistant director: Vsevolod Shvayba. PerFormed by Salutaris Chamber Choir ( directed by Olga Yanum. Solo: Yuliya Shedzko. The original poem is written by Sara Teasdale and translated into Belarussia... moreMusic video director: Den Jigunoff. Assistant director: Vsevolod Shvayba. PerFormed by Salutaris Chamber Choir ( directed by Olga Yanum. Solo: Yuliya Shedzko. The original poem is written by Sara Teasdale and translated into Belarussian by Yuliya Shedzko. Sound: Viktor Kisten || Floating on The waves of Baltic Sea and miraculous Music by one of our favorite composers, Ēriks Ešenvalds, we invite You to go back to childhood For a few minutes – only in sleep though.
We got an idea For this video while we were on tour in Latvia (composer's homeland), in a coastal city Liepāja. Only on The waves of our dreams can we return to The time of our childhood, only in sleep we can For a short time become little boys and girls again – They still live somewhere within us. Let's not Forget about Them!
Children of Salutaris' singers took part in this video – They are our future, as well as The future of our choir.
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Depuis la nuit (short version)
text: Sophie BERNARD
Music: Jean-Christophe ROSAZ
Ensemble vocal FaMajeur
cond. Marie-Clotilde MOES
Qui me consolera
dans la nuit noire,
la nuit plus noire
que les hommes
Non pas celle où l’on entre
pour mieux sentir le monde,
non pas... moretext: Sophie BERNARD
Music: Jean-Christophe ROSAZ
Ensemble vocal FaMajeur
cond. Marie-Clotilde MOES
Qui me consolera
dans la nuit noire,
la nuit plus noire
que les hommes
Non pas celle où l’on entre
pour mieux sentir le monde,
non pas celle qui contraint
à l’infini
par sa clarté soudaine
Non pas encore la nuit
de nos murmures roses,
et que j’entends
ton regard qui m’excède
et la respiration de l’enfant
(car il revient,
analogie des anges)
Qui me consolera
sans toi, sans lui
qui nous aime
Who will console me
in The dark night,
The night
darker than men
Not The one where we enter
to feel better The world,
not The one that constrains
to infinity
by its sudden clarity
Not yet night
of our pink whispers,
and that I hear
Your look that exceeds me
and The breath of The child
(For he returns,
analogy of angels)
Who will console me
without You, without him
who loves us
Fluidité des lignes ou densité sonore, ombre et lumière, crainte ou sérénité, calme o... less
Ritual del Nuevo Día || Santiago Veros
Sheet Music available by sending an email to
RITUAL DEL NUEVO DÍA (Ritual of The new day) SSAA + solo
Commissioned by Lockport Township High School Bel Canto Chorale and its conductor Benjamin Saunders
About The Work (app... moreSheet Music available by sending an email to
RITUAL DEL NUEVO DÍA (Ritual of The new day) SSAA + solo
Commissioned by Lockport Township High School Bel Canto Chorale and its conductor Benjamin Saunders
About The Work (approx. duration 4 mins.)
When Santiago and I began to discuss this commission, we kept returning to The subject of mental health and inclusion. In a discussion with students, one student voiced that They “feel excluded and not cared For,” and that Their struggle with mental health “has made [Them] feel alone and helpless.”
Santiago begins The piece with an old, quasi-ritualistic melody that calls back to previous times and traditions. As The work continues, The melody unites togeTher with The oTher voices to emulate inclusion and unity of voices. His text draws parallels to nature and how we are able to bloom through The darkness of adversity with The help of oThers.
We hope this work aids in our conversations about The importance of discussing mental heal... less
L'9ATRA - Les Voix Du Choeur
L'9ATRA - Les voix du Choeur
Les voix du choeur au concert du 22 Juin 2013 à La BNRM.
Pianiste et Compositeur : Achraf Sbai
Direction Artistique: Rabii Merouane
Solistes: Hala Sbai - Karam Bensaber
AN IRISH BLESSING - Alejandro D. Consolacion II based on The Theme from Luis Bacalov “Il Postino”
Music by Alejandro D. Consolacion II
Based on The Theme from The movie "Il Postino" by Luis Enriquez Bacalov
Humans are subject to being relational with one anoTher. With this, one of The horrors The Covid-19 pandemic has caused is... moreAN IRISH BLESSING
Music by Alejandro D. Consolacion II
Based on The Theme from The movie "Il Postino" by Luis Enriquez Bacalov
Humans are subject to being relational with one anoTher. With this, one of The horrors The Covid-19 pandemic has caused is The shutdown of all possible aspects of normal human interaction, and choral singing and rehearsals For The same are no exemption to The new rule. This does not mean, however, that distance defeats The purpose of creating harmony, especially in Music.
It is in this light that I Formed a virtual choir from my group, CANTUS, as well as oTher friends from various Music communities.
This is The product of a team efFort: The singers, The pianist, The video and audio editor; You name it. Technology has given us all kinds of possibilities. But again, no words can ever express how much we miss seeing each oTher, teasing each oTher, laughing with each oTher, and most of all, singing with each oTher; simply put, just being togeTher.
The Music behind this benedic... less
Blame it on The Boogie - Acapella - Quinta & a Half
Music & Lyrics: Mick Jackson
Arrangement, Musical Direction & Production: Doron Ben-Ami
Recordings: Ofer Yair
Stage Direction: Shuki Wagner
Editing: Orit Dembsky
"Quinta & a Half" Ensemble:
Inbal Ceder, Yarden Cohen, Ayala Fossfeld, Doron Ben-Ami... moreMusic & Lyrics: Mick Jackson
Arrangement, Musical Direction & Production: Doron Ben-Ami
Recordings: Ofer Yair
Stage Direction: Shuki Wagner
Editing: Orit Dembsky
"Quinta & a Half" Ensemble:
Inbal Ceder, Yarden Cohen, Ayala Fossfeld, Doron Ben-Ami, Matan Kaufman and Oz Weiss.
Contact us:
find us on Facebook (Quinta and a Half)