The Kings Diary chant is the laSt song in the scene of the Opera titled King's Diary -Music of the Opera as composed by Eke Chijindu Favour Hedges for Opera Imo 4 Concert
Dutch ChriStmas carol sung in an English translation by the dwsChorale (Also known as King Jesus hath a garden) It is a version for mezzo, alto and bass. Lord Jesus hath a garden full of flowers gay, Where you and I can gather nosegays all the day: ... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Dutch ChriStmas carol sung in an English translation by the dwsChorale (Also known as King Jesus hath a garden) It is a version for mezzo, alto and bass. Lord Jesus hath a garden full of flowers gay, Where you and I can gather nosegays all the day: Refrain: There angels sing in jubilant ring, With dulcimers and lutes, And harps and cymbals, trumpets, pipes, And gentle, soothing flutes. And harps and cymbals, trumpets, pipes, And gentle flutes. There bloometh white the lily, flower of Purity; The fragrant violet hides there, sweet Humility: (Refrain) And one thing faireSt is in all that lovely maze, The gard'ner, Jesus ChriSt, whom all the flowers praise: (Refain) O Jesus all my good and all my bliss! Ah me! Thy garden make my heart, which ready is for thee! (Refrain) Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
Muzaria bring to you the Studio edition of the ChriStmas classic Little Drummer Boy, featuring Musical Director Darren Bartlett. #LittleDrummerBoy #Muzaria #DarrenBartlett Copyright DMB MUSIC 2000-2019
The Milwaukee Choral ArtiSts sing in Concert on October 23, 2010 at St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, Wauwatosa, WI "A Prayer for Peace" by Paula Foley Tillen. Milwaukee Choral ArtiSts, Sharon Hansen, Music Director. The text, by BuddhiSt Thich Nhat Hanh,... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The Milwaukee Choral ArtiSts sing in Concert on October 23, 2010 at St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, Wauwatosa, WI "A Prayer for Peace" by Paula Foley Tillen. Milwaukee Choral ArtiSts, Sharon Hansen, Music Director. The text, by BuddhiSt Thich Nhat Hanh, was written as a peace chant in South Vietnam during the Vietnam War. In beauty, sitting on a lotus flower, Lord Buddha, quiet and solid. Your humble disciple, calm and pure of heart, Forms a lotus flower with the hands, and offers this heartfelt prayer: Homage to all Buddhas in the ten directions. Because of your love for all people, have compassion on us. Help us to remember we are juSt one family, North and South. Help us rekindle our compassion and brotherhood. May your compassion help us to overcome our hatred. Humbly we open our hearts to you: Water the flowers of our spirits with your deep underStanding. Humbly we open our hearts to you: Help our hearts grow light. Homage to all Buddhas in the ten directions. Because of your love for all p... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
The Choir of Somerville College, Oxford David Crown, conductor Iris Murdoch Memorial Concert (organised by Nicholas Cleobury) Steeple ASton Parish Church, 21 November 2009 Website: Facebook: Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The Choir of Somerville College, Oxford David Crown, conductor Iris Murdoch Memorial Concert (organised by Nicholas Cleobury) Steeple ASton Parish Church, 21 November 2009 Website: Facebook: Twitter: Conductor:
[this is an updated version of a poSt which firSt appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir] LaSt week I raised the queStion of Whose choir is it any way? © Copyright John Darch and licensed for reuse under this...
The Major Minors Children's Choir (aged 5-12) are really looking forward to their Concert "One Small Voice" on Sunday June 8th. The New Zealand based choir have been working on a variety of songs and this fun Concert has something for every...
Shine Jesus shine Cantata presso le Scuderie EStensi a Tivoli il 25 maggio 2013, in occasione della III° edizione del TGS & friends, evento organizzato interamente dai Tibur Gospel Singers con lo scopo di celebrare il canto Gospel, insieme ad altri gru... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Shine Jesus shine Cantata presso le Scuderie EStensi a Tivoli il 25 maggio 2013, in occasione della III° edizione del TGS & friends, evento organizzato interamente dai Tibur Gospel Singers con lo scopo di celebrare il canto Gospel, insieme ad altri gruppi musicali.
Classic Choral Society & OrcheStra - Adam lay ybounden Classic Choral Society 52nd Annual Holiday Concert Janiece Kohler, ArtiStic Director & Conductor With special gueSts Jubilate Community Youth Choir Dr. David Crone, Music Director On Chri... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Classic Choral Society & OrcheStra - Adam lay ybounden Classic Choral Society 52nd Annual Holiday Concert Janiece Kohler, ArtiStic Director & Conductor With special gueSts Jubilate Community Youth Choir Dr. David Crone, Music Director On ChriStmas Night Bob Chilcott - Adam lay ybounden December 11, 2011 4:00pm Location: Blooming Grove United Church of ChriSt 8 Old Dominion Rd. Blooming Grove, NY 10914 Please like us on facebook. Thank you! We are a mixed chorus SatB accompanied by piano, brass or orcheStra. This is a wonderful opportunity for the whole family to hear a professional quality performance at no coSt/donation. Please invite your family and friends. Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
Viva was founded as "Sandnes Music School's Girls Choir" in 1968, and was opened for boys in 1997, with the new name Sandnes Musikkskoles Ungdomskor (SMUK). In 2007 the name was changed to"VIVA, Sandnes Kulturskolekor", Viva for sh... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Viva was founded as "Sandnes Music School's Girls Choir" in 1968, and was opened for boys in 1997, with the new name Sandnes Musikkskoles Ungdomskor (SMUK). In 2007 the name was changed to"VIVA, Sandnes Kulturskolekor", Viva for short, when we talk about us. Our leading text for working with the children is what Pablo Casals once said: "Each second we live is a new and special moment, a never returning moment. We should tell every child: "Do you know what you are? You are a miracle! You are wonderful! In the whole wide world there is no-one like you!"" Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less