SABELANI Music Initiative has put on hold workshops due to the Lock Down enforced by the S. African Government on the 27th March.If the Lock Down is lifted on the 16th April as planned we will be celebrating World Voice day on the 18th April as well as jo...
this was originally published on the Embro thistle Singers' blog. I was reading an article posted to Facebook the other day. Esa-Pekka Salonen became a conductor when he filled in for an absent colleague. In the following sh...
Bring us love, patient and peace. For Thy work is demanding and we are nothing but feeble servants. Give us the strength we need to complete the mission Thou has Given us. - Musikteers Ensemble Gh @VOCES8 @3ABN Praise Him @Hope Channel Ghana ... this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">more
The music is now sorted for our #Haworth Sing day! We've added Stanford's 'Te Deum in Bb' to the list which also features Parry's Blest Pair of Sirens (SATB edition), Wesley's 'Lead me Lord', Stainer's 'God so loved the world', Liddle's 'Abide with me' ...
Everyone knows that going to Rome once in a lifetime is a must. With us it’s mixed with all day long choral music… We are very happy to announce the 14th Musica Eterna Roma – International Choir Festival and Competition, July 16-20...
[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir] I used to run a small women’s choir of 12 singers. One day it dawned on me that my job was to make myself redundant. I researched,...
The Lassus Scholars, named after the great Renaissance composer Orlande de Lassus, seek to achieve excellence in expression and interpretation in all musical styles from the 16th century to the present day.
"Be Still, My Soul" by Jean Sibelius Hymn recorded to commemorate ANZAC day 2020
A mixture of two gospel staples as a reminder that we should always Give God praise even throughout our trials. Total Praise - Originally by Richard Smallwood For Every Mountain - Kurt Carr Edited by Fifaliana Rakotoarison
Aequalis Foundation and the International Choral Composition Competition (CICCAG) assisted by IFCM was join the celebration of World Choral day(december 2018) that commemorated the Centennial of the Armistice of World War I. Singers from all over the wo...